Chapter 16

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Percy POV

The scream of battle slowly becomes louder and clearer. I am drawing near the battlefield and my stomach begins to twist in agitation.

“The gods and goddesses of Olympus will fall” a strange and distant voice whispers into my ear.

“Who’s there?” I call out as I gently land down, taking my staff out with both hands gripping tightly.

I hear a faint, nefarious chuckle, “Young demigod, there are older powers beyond Olympus. The Titan will tear down the walls of the homes of those gods you all love so much.”

“Who are you?” I ask curiously.

“It’s depressing really, how easy it is for the Olympians to forget their ancestry. To disregard the ones that came before”.

“Answer me!” I yell out in frustration.

The earth begins to shift and rise as the dust and soil begin to come together, molding. With each second, a physical form begins to become clearer.

“Who do you think you are, boy, to command me to explain myself? Wretched and ignorant you are to the forces of this universe. I was there before your ancestors crawled out of the primordial muck, and it was I who was entrusted above all of my brother and sisters to become the bearer of life. I, the first mother”.

Out of the earth, a woman appeared with cold and yet burning eyes of power.

The very air seems to shake as the earth-goddess draws herself up to full height.

“There will be no safe haven for those who oppose my great power!” her voice thunders and shakes the ground.

The earth begins to crack around me and flames begin to seep out creating a circle of fire. With each passing second the flames begin to intensify, burning taller and hotter, with the color changing from a bright orange to a deadly blue and green.

Taking my staff, I slam the hilt upon the ground with a seismic force, in an attempt to stable the trembling earth, but it does nothing. I realize that my body is beginning to weaken and my powers are draining.

“Foolish mortal, this is my domain. You have no power here, this is the end. Go and die” the earth goddess mocks.

I feel the earth sinking and I along with it, she is trying to take me into the earth. In attempt to fly up, my body gives in, I am without strength.

“Your powers are mine” she says

“No—uh, I can’t let you do that” I say trembling.

“Oh Ha! Yet I already am. I strip you of your power to fly!”

With her words, I feel my spirit being destroyed as if a piece has been ripped away. In addition, my physical body feels like it is being stabbed.

“Ah! You can’t do thi—“I cry out in pain.

“Your power to create and give energy”

I begin to scream out in this excruciating pain.

“Your power to manipulate time and light”

“Your power over darkness and death”

With each power she takes away from me, I feel as if my body is disintegrating. On and on she goes taking my strength.

“Finally, your powers over water and li—“She was about to finish, but a voice interrupts her.

“You will not sister!” A dark voice comes from deeper underneath the void.

Percy Jackson: The First Born (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now