Chapter 5

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Percy POV

"Everyone get into position! You all know the drill!" Nico orders. With that, everyone rushes into their formation and prepare for battle. Fear is clearly seen in every ones' face when Nico spoke. I wonder why.

Nico turns back to me, a look of concern on his face. 

"Whats wrong Percy? Did I do something wrong?" he asks. 

"Why...why is it that... Everyone seems to be scared of you and...Its just that..*sigh" I utter to him

His face contorts and his posture steadies, giving off an aggressive stance. 

"You hate me too! For fuck's sake, just because Hades is my dad does not automatically make me a bad guy!" He yells at me in fury. 

I step back, overtaken by his outburst. 'I should of never stated it' I thought. 

"I'm...I'm sorry" I utter and with that, I run for it. 

"I don't belong here" I tell myself.

I continue to run without a sense of direction; my only thought was that I screwed it all up. I was really hoping that he was going to be my friend. 

I hear a horn being blown, followed by voices roaring. The battle must've begun already. 

I suddenly end up hitting something, it felt like I hit someone. What the hell?'. 

"Hello Percy" I hear a girls voice. 

"Annabeth? Where are you?" I ask

"You don't need to know... It seems that you and Nico are heading off nicely" she says with a hint of annoyance.

"Nico hates me" I respond, regret returning. 

Silence engulfs my surroundings. "Annabeth? Are you still here?" I say into space. Out of nowhere, she appears before my eyes her face red and walks toward me. Soon enough we stand face to face. her grey eyes meeting mine. 

'What is she doing?'

Nico POV

"What did I just do?!?" I scold myself. Percy barely even knows who he is, let alone who the gods are. *palming face

I hear the horn being blown and the roaring cries of both parties charging into each other. 'Oh no! Percy ran towards the enemy lines!' I have to get Percy before he gets his ass in trouble. With that, I dash for it and head towards Percy's direction. 

I can't let Percy run off like that, theres a battle going on. 'Nico youre so stupid' I scold myself. He'll end up hating me not because of my parents but simply because I was a fucking jerk to him.

As I continue to run through the forest, I spot something on the ground... tracks?!? Good, Percy is not far. 

Soon enough, in the distance I spot a person in a red t-shirt. As I get closer I realized that it's Percy!

I quicken my pace and just as I was about to call out his name, I pot another person standing in front of him. 

I look closer and it seems to be girl with familiar blonde hair that I can easily identify from a mile away. 

"Annabeth" I mutter acidly. 

"Percy!" I yell out, alerting Annabeth

Percy turns around, shock plastered on his face; he probably didn't expect me to go after him. Though, I don't blame him, I did scream at him with no valid reason.

'Gods, I really need to control my temper' I tell myself.

"Nico?" his voice raspy

"Hello Neeks." Annabeth greets in annoyance.

I come to a stop before both of them. "Did I interrupt something?" I ask

"No, nothing really" he says.

"Actually, you were. Why are you even here?" Annabeth scolds me. 

"I can say the same to you. Running around the main line, invisibly I assume, cheap trick for a daughter of Athena" I insult her. 

Insulted by my words, Annabeth draws her blade. "I'll show you cheap" she says, and she lunges forward, towards me and so, I prepare my sword. 

Our blades collide and sparks fly with each clash. 

With each blow we make, our power increases; style graceful and deadly.

'You think youre all that just because youre a child of one of the Big Three! Youre no different than any of us!" Annabeth calls out to me. 

Her words strike my heart, like a thousand needles piercing my flesh. 

"I thought you were my friend, but I see that youre nothing more than a thorn in my back" I respond in disgust. 

Channeling my power into my blade, I attack with all my weight put forth. I can see that Annabeth does the same, and when our weapons collide, an explosion occurs, knocking our bodies back with a divine force.

I attempt to get up, but my by body fails me and I stumble back down to the ground.

I gather what strength I have and will my body to rise; darkness envelopes me... an aura of death.

Annabeth looks up at me; I can see fear in her eyes.

Percy POV

I have to stop Nico before he ends up killing Annabeth out of wrath. 

I pick up my legs and run towards Annabeth. I step forward, my body as a dividing wall between death and knowledge. 

"Nico please, you don't want to do this. Lower your sword before you do something you regret" I plea to Nico.

As I look closer to Nico, I can see that his eyes are as black as night; a shroud of ghostly energy radiates off of him. 

He steps forward; his mind is already consumed by malice. 

Everything went dark...

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