Chapter 21

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Ansel Elgort as Chronos

Percy POV

"Come on lets place them on the couches" Nyx said. Obeying, Artemis and I placed the knocked out gods on the couch.

"So what's the plan?" I asked

"First we have to break whatever mind-control hold Gaea has on them, the rest can be discussed later" Chronos said "The real question is how in bloody hell we're going to do that"

"Lucky for us I have friend that knows how to deal with situations like this" Artemis said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Well see, since the barrier between gods of other pantheons have been broken, I assume we can now directly interact with them. Knowing this, I'm going to call on my friend Isis."

"The Egyptian goddess of magic? How do you know her?" Nox asked.

"When I was traveling in one of my solo missions, I ended up at Brooklyn where I was confronted by an Egyptian crocodile creature and to be honest I couldn't figure out how to kill it, none of my arrows were making it turn to dust. That was then she appeared and helped me by enforing my arrows with her magic and I was able to kill it." Artemis explained "Afterwards we introduced each other over a cup of coffee and we learned of each others divine titles. As of today we've kept in touch and now we can use her help."

"That sounds like a wonderful experience, the few times I've interacted with other gods of different pantheons they were crazy like Ah Puch, Mayan god of Death. To think Hades is somewhat crazy, Ah Puch is psychotic. I was helping Xbalanque, the Moon God to find his twin brother, we came across Ah Puch swarm of wild zombies!" Chronos said.

"When was that?" Artrmis asked

"A couple decades ago, we haven't interacted since then."

I turned to Artemis "So how do we contact Isis?"

"That's the thing I don't know where she is, but I do know that she'll probably be around the Brooklyn area" Artemis.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's meet up with this goddess!" Chronos said

"What do we do with these three, we can't exactly carry around three gods in Brooklyn"

"Leave that to me" Chronos announced. He began enchanting the three and light began to glow around them, shrinking the gods and with Chronos power, they were sealed in miniature hourglasses. "In these, the gods will be suspended in time, in a away, frozen in time"

"Your a genius Chronos!" I praised Chronos as he flushed in embarrassment "It was no biggie"

"You kidding that was awesome" I said and he flushed even more.

"Alright let's get ready to jump forward to Brooklyn guys" Nyx said as she began gathering the shadows, cloacking us as and I began to feel myself losing physical awareness. Then in a burst of energy we drifted into the darkness, into nothingness yet aware I something.

Suddenly in a flash we bursted forth into light, into physical-reality on a crowded sidewalk full of people buzzing to get to places.

"Well welcome to New York. Well specifically Brooklyn" Artemis announced.

"How in bloody hell are we going to find a goddess in a crowded place like this?" Nyx exasperated

"Well we could try by looking around I guess, besides I've never been to Brooklyn, be nice to go sightseeing" Chronos said

"Chronos we are in the middle of a war we don't have time to go sightseeing, we have to free the gods from whatever hold Gaea has on them" Nyx said in frustration.

"And we will Nyx, we have each others back in this, and what's the harm and in enjoying ourselves while finding some mystical Egyptian goddess in the middle of Brooklyn" I said

"Boys you all never take anything seriously." Artemis muttered

"That's not true and you know it" Chronos said annoyed. The two began having angry staring contest.

"Really? How come you've just proven my point?" Artemis retaliated

"I haven't proven anything" Chronos responded .

"Exactly you haven't proven anything" Artemis said with a smirk.

"Woah guys, now is not the time to be fighting. Look why don't you and Percy look around Brooklyn together while Chronos and I search together" Nox suggested.

"Yah! Sounds like a good plan right" I said attempting to break the attention.

The two broke off there angry stares and immediately went into separate directions while we were left standing. "Look we will meet each other later after these two have finally calm down, good luck" Nyx said.

"Ha ha same to you" I said as I dashed trying to catch up with Artemis. Pushing pass random people on the streets I was given nasty or irritated glares from people but I ignored them in search of Artemis. In the distance I can see her auburn hair shining as she walked in so I dashed forward. "Artemis wait up!" I called out to her but she ignored me "Artemis" I said as I reached out and touched her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Artemis said furiously ready to take out her bow and draw an arrow.

I held my hands out in defense "I'm sorry"

"Look I know that were in the same team but that doesn't mean I have to act like I like you after all your male"

"Bit sexist much" I joked but Artemis continued to glare at me "Look you don't have to like me and it's OK but if we're going to work together we are going to have to at least learn to tolerate each other that including Chronos and I"

She listen to my words and begin to contemplate and soon her body began to relax, relieving me "Your're right and I apologize. I'm sorry that we started off on the wrong foot, I'm just not used to working with males."

"It's all right, for now let's just worry about finding that bloody goddess. Do you have any idea where to start?" I asked.

"Well we can go to the café that I went to with Isis maybe we can spot her there or at least find clues of her whereabouts."

"Sounds like a plan, your team leader ha ha" and she smiled giving me hope that we might eventually be friends one day.

Walking down the streets of Brooklyn it was filled with street musicians, Rush our workers, and the occasional hipsters. We passed a couple restaurants filled with people chatting and we got hotdogs from the street. Brooklyn was like a beehive filled with people with their own agenda and goal. We reached a small café decorated with flower filled hanging pots and decorated tables. Above the shop read in bold letters "Pyramids of Coffee".

"Well this is the place"

"I like the name it's sort of funny ha ha but I like it. Should we get a table?"

"Sure but this is not a date where in the mission."

"Never said it was."

Walking into the shop, the air was filled with a warm smell of roasted coffee and tea. Inside were multiple booths and the walls were painted inside an Egyptian palace.

"Darling it's been ages! How have you been" a woman said.

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