Chapter 13

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Jason POV

For a moment, I just watched Percy fly away into the East. A trail of flickering blue light continued to linger, marking the path Percy took. The power he gave me, is surging within my body, I can feel every fabric of my being growing and becoming more stronger.

"It's not just me that's feeling this power right?" Reyna says

"Nope. I feel like I can take down an army of Cyclops." I respond


"Come on Jason, the legions are awaiting your command. Mount Othrys' defenses are building up at this moment, they know we're coming."

"Right. Reyna I give you full authority of half the legion. They are under your command, do not fail me."

"Yes commander."

"Your dismissed" and she jogs away towards the legion.

I look at the sky, "Father, please give me strength and the knowledge to lead the armies of Rome against Mount Othrys."

"Praetor" a soldier comes to me.

"Praetor?" I point to myself, dumbfounded

"Yes, Jason Grace. The Senate has declared you to be the new Praetor of New Rome. Congratulations."

Joy fills my soul inside, and fear.... No, I am a Roman and Son of Jupiter. I will lead us to victory.

"Ready our forces, we march to Mount Othrys."

"Yes sir"


"Archers Fire! Footmen Charge! Take down those dracanae now!" I command and the Romans release a grand battle cry.

"Jason!" I hear someone call for me, so I turn around and see Reyna urging me to come with her through another route. I fly to her.

"Where are we going Reyna?"

"While the enemy forces are distracted, I need you to head towards the throne room. Destroy it all."

"What about you? I thought you were coming."

"The Romans cannot stay here without a leader. I can handle this, but you are the only one capable of destroying whoever guards the dark throne of Kronos. Now go!" I nod

"May the pantheon keep you." I fly up towards the throne room.

I see Reyna heading back to the Roman army, fiercely wielding her sword and shield. She's a fine warrior... and beautiful, but now is not the time.


I look up and I see a group of gryphons heading towards me with claws ready. I take out my sword & shield and fly towards them. I begin to thrust my sword forward and easily strike down many gryphons, but they continue to flood. One grabs me by the shoulder and hauls be down to a part of the castle, I land hard on the paved stone floor. I see that the gryphons begin to form back into ranks and all head towards me for a charge. I reach towards the sky with my hands and call upon lightning. Lightning strikes my side and I see bolts of lightning for me to use. I throw them all, knocking everyone of them down from the sky.

I take a breather and begin to fly again towards the throne room, the highest peak of the mountain. I can see a man waiting for me on the balcony towards the throne room. I land and draw my sword and shield.

"Son of Jupiter, I awaited for your... dramatic entrance." The man spoke

"And who are you?"

"I am Crius, titan of the South."

I charge at him and thrust forward my sword, but he quickly dodges it by side stepping.

"Not so fast Roman. Do not underestimate me, though you are skilled in sword and lightning, I am still titan!"

He unwraps his cloak and it is revealed that he is dressed in black and silver armor. He takes out a two-handed sword and awaits my move.

"Regardless of your title Crius, I will still defeat you!" we both charge at each other, our swords clash causing sparks to fly with every strike.

I call upon lightning and direct it towards Crius but swiftly dodges them.

"I've been fighting longer than you boy, simple attacks like that will do nothing for you."

"Shut up!" I launch another attack and we parry with each other.

I thrusted my sword forward, but Krios easily dodges it and drags his blade through the air towards my neck. I flip sidewards, barely dodging his attack by half a centimeter and I land on my feet ready for his next attack. He lunges forward quickly and takes me by suprise as he flips forward with his sword rotating with him, he appeared like a flying sword-wheel if that even made sense. As swiftly as I could, I took my sword and blocked his attack, our swords clashing and sparks flew. The force of his attack forced my body to take a kneel and I can feel my body failing as he pushes me down even more. 

"Surely you don't expect to win" Krios tells me

I urge forward and push him back with ll my strength and he barely stumbles back, and he quickly reacts by swinging his sword to my side before I can fully recover from my previous action. I successfully slices my shoulder and I recieve a surge of searing pain. I move back to prevent his blacde from further slicing my left shoulder. I try to stop the bleeding by blacing my palm on my wound in vain and blood continues to bleed out. 

'I'm definitely in some deep shit right now. I wish Percy was here'

"Had enough boy? I grow impatient with your incapabilityto properly fight me"

He takes his sword and tries to hack me, but I dodge barely.

"Do you really plan on trying run away the entire time? Where is your honor Roman? Better you die a soldier than a coward!'

He attacks me with mulitple sword combinations and styles that I just couldn't keep up and due to my insufficiency to block many of the attacks, I gained more slices on my body. He takes adavantage of vulnerability and kicks me back and I land on the floor, out of breath and pain gushing throughout my body. Taking his sword, Krios places his blade across my neck while grinning.

"To think that the son of Jupiter would be so easy to eliminate" he laughs "Die in shame"

'Is this really it? I thought that I would live this day, a champion and praetor of New Rome. Where did I go wrong? I did everything right and channeled everything I had to each attack.'

"Be gone son of Jupiter" and he lifts his sword and readies to plunge it through my heart. 

I can see...

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