Chapter 15 Merry Christmas

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It was Christmas morning Gnomeo and Juliet were in their beds sleeping when all of a sudden they were jumped on by their two year old son. 

''MUMMY DADDY ITS CHRISTMAS TODAY GET UP!'' He said in his baby voice and he jumps in between his parents.

Juliet then grabs her little son and hugs him kissing his cheek and head. ''Mmm Merry Christmas my sweet boy.'' She smiles.

Gnomeo had turned around smiling at his wife and son then he felt the bed move and saw Orchid and Madeline came on.

''Morning kiddos and Merry Christmas.'' Gnomeo said as he pulled his girls close and hugged them.

''Well time to get up its present time!'' Damien said excitedly.

''That is it but don't you want to sleep a bit?'' Asked his dad.

''Nope time to get up SHROOM!'' Damien shouted.

Shroom came in shaking snow from himself and getting Gnomeo cold.

''Hey button head your supposed to me my pet and listen to me not the kids.'' Gnomeo chuckled and hugged his best friend as he licks him then bounces over to Juliet who kisses his head.

''Ok we are getting up we will be out in a few.'' Gnomeo said.

The kids took off with Shroom. The couple laughed as their kids took off.

''Merry Christmas my sexy wife.'' Gnomeo wraps his arms around his wife waist.

''Merry Christmas handsome.'' She giggles and turns and kisses his lips as they hold each other and then they get out of bed and with a finally kiss they go outside to see the gnomes putting up decorations and they saw Lady Bluebury and Lord Redbrick directing where to put the stuff.

''Hey mum.'' Gnomeo said.

''Hiya dad.'' Juliet said.

The couple looked at their kids and hugged them. ''About time you two get up.'' Redbrick teased.

''We are tired taking care of kids is a hard job.'' Juliet said giggling.

''Really you guys seem to do it so well.'' Lady Bluebury said.

''Well I do like when me and her have alone time.'' Gnomeo said kissing the side of Juliet's neck.

''Ok we get it now go help Benny with the lights before I get the hose again.'' Lord Redbrick said rolling his eyes. He loved Gnomeo and that Juliet was happy but he hated to see the intense kissing and touching they did no dad wanted to see that.

''Alright I'm going.'' Gnomeo said.

''Ahh Juliet I need you to come with me there are somethings we have to get done.'' Lady Bluebury said dragging Juliet.

Gnomeo went over and saw Benny surrounded by his nieces and nephew as they tried to get the lights undone.

''Oh Gnomeo thank goodness your here I can't seem to get out of this and Damien is having too much fun wrapping me up.'' Benny said.

Gnomeo saw his son holding the lights running in a circle around Benny while Orchid and Madeline were laughing.

''Ok son I think uncle Benny has had enough.'' He said picking up his son.

''Aww ok daddy.'' He huffed and he went over to Shroom hugging him. ''Come on Damien I hear aunt Nanette is making cookies.'' Orchid said as the three take off.

''You know Gnomeo Damien won't stop talking or asking questions he reminds me of you.'' Benny said.

''Well us Bluebury are curious guys besides you were younger then me.'' Gnomeo rolls his eyes as they undo the lights.

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