Chapter 33

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I'm taking book 3 down and moving the chapters here.

Liam's POV

Some time in the early morning I get a phone call. "I'll tell Callie..." I said in the phone. I looked over at Callie who was sleeping peacefully. "Callie hunny wake up" I said she wined a bit as she rubbed her eyes. She sits up a bit with my help. "Its 5am... why you wake me up?" She asked. "Listen... ah... there was an accident...." I said trailing off. "An accident... what kind of accident... with who?" She asked. "Honey... Samual... he was drunk again... and drove... he got in a car accident and he was dead on arrival" I said. Her eyes were wide.. she starts to bawl. "Its my fault!" She cried. I shake my head. "No babygirl it's not your fault... there's more they need you to id his body" I said "will you come with me?" She ask "ofcorse baby" I said
One week later - Liam's POV

It's been a week since Samual beet Callie, a week since his death, a week since I've heard Callie's sweet little voice. We were at Samuel's funeral. Callie was sitting in her wheel chair. Me standing behind her and Zi sat beside her on the right and Gidion to her left. We all bow our heads to pray, the priest says a few words and then asked Callie if she wanted to say a few things. She doesn't look up. I shake my head at the priest and he conitued.
Callie's POV

I sat silently in my chair as the priest said a few words, not that it was hard since I wasn't talking anyway. The priest asked if I wanted to say a few words and when I don't say anything or look up he continued. Once the ceremony was over they lowered Samuel into the ground. I pull Zi lightly from her chair to my lap and Liam pushed us to his van. He helped us in and then buckled us up. Then closed the sliding door. We will all meet back at the house" I heard Liam tell Gideon, Gideon nods and walks off to his car and Spencer joins him. Soon Liam gets in the driver seat, looks back at us once and the starts to drive.
375 words

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