Chapter 23

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Liam's POV

I drove as fast as I could to Mr. Whites office. He was no longer a doctor, well he was he just didn't work as a doctor anymore. Now he works in his father's business as a corpert worker. Once I got there I rushed to get the wheel chair from the back of my van. I rushed it to the elevator, and to the 4th floor. I knocked on the door and peaked my head in. "Come in" Samuel said he was pounding away at his computer and Callie was on the couch with tears running down her face. I wheeled the chair in and over to side of the couch. "Can i?" I asked wanting to pick Callie up to put her in her chair. "I want daddy to do it" she said but ofcorse he paid her no mind. "Daddy?" She asked but he ignored her. "Daddy" she wined. "Quit whining and just get the fuck out before I give you something to whine about" he said through gritted teeth. "Fuck you" she said 'uh oh' I thought Samuel stood and lunged at her smacking her hard across the face hard. This makes me angry but it wasn't my place to say anything. Callie started to bawl her eyes out, and he raised his hand to smack her again but I check his arm mid swing, i didn't think about it, I just did it. "You don't hit her in the face, that abuse" I snare through my teeth. She was shaking pretty badly. Realizion hitting his face. He nodded for me to let go and I do so.
Samuel's POV

After Liam let my arm go I fell to my knees and pulled Callie close to me. "Daddy is so very sorry, I will never do that again I promise, daddy was angry about a lot of things, but I shouldn't have hit you like that, can you forgive me?" I asked looking up into her eyes, she wiped her tears, and nodded. "I deserved it daddy" she cried kinda stamppering her feet trying to hug me closer. "No you didn't baby, you deserve spankens, or time outs or something for disaplin, but what I did, that is abuse, and you don't deserve that.. you never deserve that" I said hugging her as tightly as I could. After awhile we let go and I helped her into her chair. "Be good for Liam baby, daddy will be home as soon as I can be" I said kissing her head. "I wuv you daddy" she said "I love you to baby" I said
Liam's POV

I wheeled Callie to my van and lifted her into her seat and helped buckled her in. She looked really tired and drained. I stared at her for a few minutes before closing the sliding door. I walked around to my side of the van and got in. I looked into the mirror back at her. "Want to go out for dinner and then get ice cream afterwards?" I asked. She bows her head and fiddles with her fingers. "I don't deserve to" she whispers. I frown a little. "Maybe you don't but I'm gonna take you anyway" I said starting up the van.
544 words, so what does everyone think?

Will Samuel ever hit her like that again?

Will Liam punish her?

Will Samuel and Callie last?

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