Chapter 2

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Callie's POV

I woke up to a 'good morning' text from Lucas, I smiled and texted back, we had been text flirting a lot over the best few days. "So it's Friday...." I texted "that it is" I texted back. "Got any plans?" He asked I shook my head no. "Nope... you?" I asked back. "Well there's a new restraunt opening up tonight.... I was wondering if you would want to go on a date?" He asked I blushed and smiled. "Can I think about it and get back to you?" I asked "ofcorse, just let me know soon" he said back. "I will" I said

We quit texting so we could get ready for the day. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the elevator, I danced as it to me to the first floor. "Gidion!?" I called out excitedly. "In the kitchen" he called back. I ran to the kitchen and slid in. "You look excited" he said looking up from his morning paper. "I am Lucas asked me out on a date!" I said he smirked and raised an eye brow. "Oh yeah?" He asked "yup!" I said popping the P. He got up and got me some breakfast, I sat down at the table. "I know your 19 and pregnant... but I'm not sure I'm ready for you to go on a date..." he says as he brings me my plate. He sits back down in his spot. I frown a little. "Does that mean I can't go?" I asked he chuckles a little. "I'm just picking on you kid, yes you can go" he said. I jumped out of my chair and ran over and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you!" I said he hugs me back. "Ofcorse kid..." he gives me a playfully butt smack. "Now go eat" he said I went back to my spot and ate my breakfast.

"Do you know where your going on your date?" Gidion asked "I guess some new restraunt is opening up" I said

After I finished eating breakfast I went and texted Lucas back. "I'll go on a date with you" I said
Later that day

I dressed, in a pink dress and pink flats, my under garments were pink as well. I put some black eye liner and black eye shadow, I painted my nails black. I brushed my hair and my teeth, then I put in butterfly hair clips in my hair.

I was now ready for my date.

416 words, stay tuned for the next Chapter. As for an update on me we finally got the uhaul unloaded yesterday, then as I reward I took my papa, his mom and myself to Golden Carroll, it's a good thing we got it done yesterday, it's poring out today. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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