Chapter 13

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Samuel's POV

After I calmed down a bit I went back in the house, I grabbed a few things and asked Gidion to borrow his car. "You want me to watch 2 pregnant women, and a suicidal kleptomaniac who just lost her baby?" My friend asked "What can't do it?" I asked "oh... I can do it, but I'm not sure I want to" he said "scared?" I asked smirking. He chuckles "yes excelly I am, one pregent women fine, but 2?, and yours is carrying twins man" he said "awe... I didn't know Liam Payne was scared of pregos" I said laughing. "Watch it man, the reason I'm afraid of them is one, their very emotional. 2 you can't punish them the way they need or want you to, and 3 they are messy. Seriously add that to 3 little times 3 suicidal women, plus 1 klepto, and 2 rape victims, that equals war man." He rants as he paces back and forth. I prop myself on one of his stereo speakers. He stops and turns to me. "I'll do it, but all I'm agreeing to right now is making sure both Tina and Callie stays in bed until dew day" Liam said. I thanked him. "Now where are they?" He asked I sigh "Callie stole my car and followed the ambulance to the hospital... Tina is home, she's pretty good about listening until the other two talk her into something, Dicky is with her right now" I said he started laughing the minute I said that Callie stole my car. "Shes a little spit fire, I think I'm gonna enjoy this" he said still laughing. I glare at him. "Alright.. alright... alright" he says trying to stop laughing.
Callie's POV

After Zi's stomic was pumped, she was taken to a room the get fluids and stuff. I over hear the doctors talking to Toni, they were gonna send Zi back to the sike ward. I quickly (or as quickly as I could) ran in to her room and started unhooking things. "Callie?" She asked. "Shr... I'm getting you out of here" I said she was slightly out of it. I grabbed a wheel chair that was in the hall way and quickly looked around, Toni was up at the nurses station, no dought flirting with them. I hurried and pushed the chair over to Zi and did my best to help her out of bed and into the chair. "Keep you head down, and be quiet" I told her. She nodded I began pushing her as fast as I could down the hall leading away from the nurses station. "Elevator!" Zi whispers loudly pointing to it, I quickly pushed her in and pushed the 1st floor button. "Lock it down" I heard someone yell just before the door closed. "I think they know I'm gone" Zi said giggling she was a little loopy. I smile, once we reached the first floor I slowly pushed Zi out of the elevator, I was thankful that it seemed only the 3rd floor got locked down. I walked quicker as I saw the front door but ducked into an empty room when I saw Samuel and another guy run into the hospital, I laugh when they decide to take the stairs. "No running" a nurse yells at them. "I think I should walk from here" Zi said I agreed with her. We walked past the receptionist and out of the hospital and just as I got into the driver seat, I see Samuel, Toni and some other dude run for the car. "Drive!" Zi yelled "I'm trying" I said and just as the guys were about to check up the car started and we sped off.

"So now what?" Zi asked
629 words woohoo, what will happen next? I'm just as excited as you are to find out, stay tuned!

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