Chapter 6

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Callie's POV

When Lucas came back he brought a friend with him. When Lucas's back was turn the other dude put a finger to his mouth to silence me. I took me a few minutes to realize who it was. It was Samuel. "Feel free to look around" Lucas said. "No need, I want this one" he said pointing at me. "Oh no, I just got her, took me 3 weeks to get her, I plan to keep her for awhile, she's pregent and I plan to sell that baby to the highest bidder." Lucas said I averted my eyes from Samuel. "I'll pay you a million dollars for her" he says Lucas bends his knees and sizzles. "That's a sweet deal, but I gotta pass" Lucas said "10 million" Samuel said Lucas eyes shift back and forth while he thinks. "Let me walk around and think about it" Lucas says once Lucas's back is turned Samuel pulls out a gun and uses it to knock Lucas out, while he is out Samuel drags him to an empty cage and locks him in. He grabs the key and unlocks mine and the 3 other girls cages. He picks me up and carries me, the other girls follow and soon we are in Samuel's car. Samuel drives us to the hospital after calling the police telling them were Lucas was.

Samuel's POV

I sat in a chair next to Callie's bed. Her and the baby were okay. I took Callie's hand in mine. "I'm sorry baby, if I had told you the truth..." I started the truth was I wasn't ready for Callie, I wasn't ready for anyone, I wasn't ready for the reality, the reality was my wife and daughter are dead and have been for a year now, the got hit by a drunk driver, he survived and they didn't, and I was still grieving their death, when I meant Callie I thought I was ready, but I wasn't and it hurt her. I hope in time she could forgive me.
342 words, woop there it is the truth, the real truth about Samuel comes out. Stay tuned for chapter 7, please leave a comment.

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