Chapter 16

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Callie's POV - the next day

I wake up and find that Zi wasn't next to me, I frown a little. Bobby let us use his bed last night since the guest bed wasn't big enough for me. I hear someone in the attached bathroom. "Zi?" I called out. "Nope" the dude when yesterday said. I jump up. "Who are you? Where is Zi? I asked he comes over and sits down at the end of the bed. "My name is Liam Payne" he said holding his hand out for me to shake, when I don't he redrawls his arm, it's quiet for a few minutes, he takes a breath and stands "as few Zi, she's in the sike ward, where she needs to be" he said I frown but nod. "Why are you in my da... bobby's room?" I asked he smirks a little and cocks an eyebrow. "Well since you can't or won't behave.... I've been assigned your babysitter" he said I glare at him. "Where's Samuel?" I asked "right here love" Samuel said walking in. "Thanks for the help, go back to the house and be with Tina, I got Callie for the day" Samuel tells Liam, Liam nods and walks out Samuel walks over to me and kisses my head. "Where's Zi?" I asked he smiles a little and gets into bed next to me. "She's in the sike.... "well get her out, she belongs here with me" I yell interrupting. "First off you don't tell me what to do, secondly are you FUCKING stupid? She tried to kill herself, and part of it is your fault" Samuel spat. I started bawling, I kick and punch him, he does his best to hold me down without hurting the babies. He gets on top of me so his knees are on my legs and his hands pinning my arms. I struggle to get him off me. "Your hurting me" I say panicked I conitue to struggle. "Listen!" He yells in my face. I conitue to struggle and start to cry, flash backs of Lucas run though my head. "Get off me, get off me" I yell and cry. Bobby rushes in and grabs Samuel from behind and picks him off me. I conitue to cry and shake. "She was punching me and kicking me" Samuel yells at Bobby. "So your idea to stop her is to climb on top of her and pin her down, she yells and crys and tells you to get off her and you don't listen, look at her she scared" Bobby said Samuel looks at me, he sees how scared I am. "I don't think I can do this anymore..." Samuel said and walks out making me cry even harder. "Samuel! Samuel!" I yell trying to get out of bed, Bobby helps me up and I storm after Samuel who kept on walking ignoring me. "Daddy!" I cry out, he stops and turns to me. I have tears in my eyes. He frowns and looks down. "I'm sorry I called you stupid, and for blaming you about Zi, but I won't apologize for holding you down, I needed you to calm down before you hurt yourself or the babies.... but I should have stopped when I saw how scared you were, and I shouldn't have screamed in your face." He said closing the distance between us. I look down and frown. "I'm sorry to" i said he hugs me. When he lets go he looks me in the eyes and smiles. "How about you come to work with me today, and you can see Zi?" He asked "but if I'm not carrying you, you will be in a wheel chair, understand?" He asked I nod my head excitedly. "Yes daddy" I said
629 words, hey everyone just an update for you. This chapter was kind of hard to write, stay tuned

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