Chapter 15

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Callie's POV

As Zi, Bobby and myself watch a late night movie we hear a car. I get up and peek out the window. Both Zi and Bobby stare at me. "It's Samuel, Toni and some other dude" I whisper. Bobby stands "Go in my room, there's a red book on the book shelf pull it" he said we hurry to his room as he goes outside. "I'll be there in a few" I said as I peek out the window to see and hear what's going on. "Hey bobby" Samuel said as he looks over his car. "It was here when I got home" Bobby said Samuel snaps his head up. "You mean they ain't here?" He asked Bobby shrugged "I don't think so, the engine is cold, and I've looked all over, plus one of mine is gone" Bobby lies I chuckle a bit. "Mind if we look around?" The one dude asked. "Suit yourselves" he said that was my cue, I hurried to bobby's room and pulled the red book like he said and soon it opened into a big library, an exulater lowered me down in. Zi was already down here pacing back and forth, when I finally back it down she runs over to me and hugs me. "What's going on out there?" She asked as she let go. "Bobby lied and said the car was there when he got home, and that one of his is missing, they asked to look around, and that's what they are doing" I said as I lead her to the couch that was in here. I sat down and she sat beside me laying her head down on my lap. I closed my eyes and began to relax.
"Why are there three plates on the table?" Samuel asks my eyes pop open, I could hear them talk and walk around 'upstairs' Zi sits straight up and begins shaking. I rub her back. "Calm down, it's okay I got you" I whispered  she tuned her head frowning but soon smiles. I rub my belly, all the stress and such, has the twins going nuts. She relaxes into my lap again as we both look up at the ceiling listening to the guys. Bobby said he had friends over earlier in the day but he had rushed out before cleaning up. His lies were awesome but I frown feeling bad that he was hiding us and having to lie about it. "Alright we will leave you alone, thanks for letting us look around, sorry about the intrusion" Samuel said "oh no problem, you'll call when you find them right?" He asked "Will do, and if you see or hear from them, you'll let us know?" Samuel asked "Will do" Bobby said soon we hear the front door close and cars pulling out of the parking lot, but we don't move just yet.
482 words. How is everyone liking the story?

And because I'm board let's play a game, first person who can guess my favorite color will get to say what they want to see happen next, they can be a character and will be credited. Toni werts and my papa may not play. Have fun and good luch.

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