The Basket Case

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Trigger Warning: Discussions of Rape


"Wait, wait, wait! Sweetcheeks, you mean to tell me your lovely man was grumpy?"

"Haha there's the sarcasm, yes PG, our first impressions of each other weren't the best. I think you all remember, how I turned that around right?"

Derek nods, "I knew you were a diamond in the ruff within the first five minutes of your tour. You definitely showed him what's what that day!"

"Watch it, Morgan!" Lena rolls her eyes at Hotch, "Calm down babe. He's not wrong..."


I walk downstairs and put my stuff down at my assigned desk. I scan the room for Derek Morgan, "Where are you, Mr. Morgan?"

"Most of the time people around here and especially on our team just call me Morgan."

"Did I say that aloud? Gosh, nice to meet you! I'm Lena-"

"Evergreen, yeah, pretty boy over there told me! Hmm, what will your nickname be?"

"Wow, the word certainly travels fast here. Does everyone get a nickname on this team?"

"Just about, we mostly go by our last names or our nicknames. When the opportunity strikes I know I'll think of something!"

"Ha! Yeah right, let me guess yours? Hmmm, I'm guessing something with chocolate..."

I look over at his desk and spot a post-it note with one of his, I assume, many nicknames.

"Okay, wild guess! Dark chocolate thunder!"

"Alright, now how did you-"

"We're profilers remember!" I shot Morgan a wink, "Anyway, Agent Hotchner told me you are the lucky member who gets to show me around."

Derek laughs and turns to see the post-it note on his desk. He shakes his head and then pauses.

"Wait, baby girl, did you say Agent Hotchner? No one calls Hotch 'Agent Hotchner' you don't have to be so... stiff."

I scoff, ugh, he's worse than an asshole. "Well, he sure as hell wasn't happy when I called him Hotch. He told me to call him that. Whatever, I could tell it's about Strauss, not me."

"Woah, you were able to profile him?"

"Of course! He's upset that the director didn't give him the option to pick the new member. I would bet my life on it!"

"Yikes, rough start. Alright, I'll make sure to give you the best tour of your life then! Starting with our very own Penelope Garcia, my doll face!"


Derek introduced me to the whole team, I knew I would make fast friends with the ladies. Penelope already began to plan a girl's night out. I had yet to meet David Rossi, I had admired his work for years. Getting to meet and work with him was truly an honor. I left the team behind so I could formally introduce myself to Rossi. After walking up the stairs and heading down the hall, I come to a full stop. In front of me was a wall filled with pictures, pictures of all the agents in the BAU who lost their lives. My mouth dropped and tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Is everything alright? Miss?"

I dry my eyes quickly and look at the person before me.

"Hi, yes I'm quite alright, thank you. I- I'm Lena Evergreen, the newest member of the team!"

"Ah, yes. Evergreen, a pleasure to meet you. I'm David Rossi, but I'm sure you already knew that."

I give Rossi a polite smile, "Indeed I did. It's an honor to get to work with you Rossi.'

"Thanks, kid, I can't wait to see what you'll bring to the table."

I was about to respond, but then JJ came and informed us both that there was a case. My first case with the team meant it was time for me to into profiler mode. I was different when on a case. No one would know that I was a bubbly, hopeless romantic who loved to laugh and sing all day long.

Following everyone into the conference room, I make my way to sit next to Emily and Derek. Emily was my type of person, I could see us going on some wild adventures together. JJ passes each one of us a copy of the case file, I open it up and begin to read. While I read, I am also listening to Garcia sharing her newest leads.

Unfortunately, the case involves a serial rapist. We have seven victims and three are dead. Victimology and physical features were the same. I wrote down and noted every bit of information I could. I was irritated though, in New York almost all of the cases I worked on were rape-related and one of the biggest steps to solving these cases wasn't listed in the file. It's my time to shine.

"Garcia, have any of the victims been given a rape kit?"

"Give me two shakes of a lamb... Okay, sweetness, only two rape kits were given, but they aren't ready to be reviewed yet."

"You're kidding, right? Why were only two given?" They could tell I was bothered. Emily put a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and smiled at her, "Thanks." Garcia finishes up her search.

"Okay, it looks like the victims that were killed haven't received a kit, but I can request that now. And the other two victims declined to have the kit done."

"So then it's our job to convince them to."

I turn to "Agent Hotchner" and nod, "When can we leave? The longer the wait, the less evidence we have. These kits usually need to be taken within three to four days of the incident. The sooner we get them the better."

"Alright, wheels up in 30."

JJ stays behind with me while I get all of my notes and files together.

"Hey, that's some pretty good work so far! Keep it up."

"Thanks, JJ, to be honest, I could give the profile right now if I wanted to, but I think I should wait until we're on the jet. We don't have much time to spare."

JJ looks at me with amazement, "Well then, let's go get our bags and solve this case."


Hotchner still gave me the cold shoulder, but little by little he began to see how gifted I was. My profile was correct and we were able to catch the unsub they very next day. The rape kits were able to give us enough information to get a fingerprint and name. Garcia gave us the rest. He had begun killing because he was a true basket case. He couldn't cope with what he had done to those poor women, so he figured why not end them altogether.

"So what do you think, Rossi? Am I apart of the team now?"

"Bella Lena, getting us home this quick after we get the case! You're right as rain in my book."

I smile and make my way into one of the SUVs. Once I buckle up Hotchner clears his throat, making his presence known.

"Good work Evergreen."

"Thank you, Agent Hotchner."

"Hotch... You can call me Hotch."  


And like that! ANOTHER ONE! 

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