Still Hurting

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*Current Day*

Matt was in awe, "Wow, so you guys made quite the introduction."

"Yup, that's the Hotchners" Lena playful rolls her eyes.

"So the whole team knew. What were your reactions?" Matt asked.

"Well at first we were all heartbroken because we were watching Lena die and Hotch falling apart at the seams, but when she was discharged it brought a smile to my face."Emily smiled.

"I immediately started hoping for godchildren, but Lena informed me that it wasn't going to happen. So I went on to planning a wedding instead." Penny laughed.

"Us guys brought out the scotch and whiskey. It was a celebration! Especially for myself, I knew it all along!" Dave raised his glass.

"So how soon after did you propose Aaron," Leason asked with a smile.

Aaron clapped his hands together and shook his head, "A lot longer than I had hoped for."

"Why's that?" Matt asks.


*Time Travel*

"Hi Honey! I'm home! I'm sorry I'm late, my appointment went on and on ..." I had gotten home late from physical therapy.

"No, no. I'm okay. I-I ate already." He was sitting at the kitchen table working on his files.

"Really?" I was a bit sad, I had been looking forward to eating with him.

"Yeah, well when I didn't hear from you. I assu-"

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I felt like I've been saying sorry on repeat.

"It's fine don't worry."

"I really- meant to call. So how-how's the case going?"

"Uh yeah, it's coming along. It's good. Good, yeah."

"Good, good. Um... I had my hair cut. Do you like it?"

"Uh-huh. Yeah. I ha-hang on one second. I'm in the middle of writing something. Hang on." he hasn't smiled at me once.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Um... I'm- I'm going upstairs."

"Listen don't- " He sighs

"What?" I gave a bit of attitude.

"Alright. I'll be up." He gave up.

We put packing and moving on hold for the time being, but now we can start that up again. I hope, ever since we came back home this was how our conversations had been going. Aaron was somehow slipping away. It was little things at first. He had slept on the couch the first couple of nights not wanting to hurt me. I tried to reassure him that I'd be fine, but I knew there was fighting him on the subject. Then, it became more concerning when he stopped spending the night every now and then. I tried asking him what was wrong, I should've known better. He was just being 'cautious' around me, but did cautious mean he would also be distant and cold? I had just been informed that I was cleared to go back to work so I had planned a special evening for tonight. I was tired of the distance and lack of love. I was going to show him that he didn't need to be cautious around me, not anymore.

I went to the store to pick up a few ingredients and then I stopped by a boutique shop to pick out a nice outfit and some lingerie. I plan on cooking his favorite steak and then following it up with some passionate lovemaking. I laugh at myself as I get a phone call from an unknown number and I answer it hesitantly.

"This is Special Agent Evergreen, who's this?"

"Um, I'm sorry I think you mean Very Special Agent Evergreen."

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