Save The Last Dance For Me

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*Current Day*

Lena and Aaron carry Noah and Jack into the house, they are dead asleep. As the couple tucks the two boys into bed Aaron starts to chuckle. Lena looks over at her husband and smiles as they leave the kid's bedroom.

"What's up, giggles?" She cracks a smile.

He let out a sigh of content, "I was just thinking that we've come a long way." 

"I know, you're finally happy Strauss hired me without consulting you," Lena grinned.

"Ha.Ha.Ha. I'm serious Lena, I'm proud of us." He wraps his arms around her waist as they walk to their bedroom.

"I am too, honey. You, our family, it's everything to me. I love you so much, Hotchner." She leans her head back and pecks his lips.

"I love you more, Hotchner. So, I guess I'm making brunch for everyone tomorrow." He touches his forehead to hers.

"I know, you're letting your little secret out," Lena says changing into her pajamas.

"Since we're sharing so much about ourselves I thought I shouldn't withhold my infamous breakfast from the team." He says stripping down to his boxers.

"Noah's going to be thrilled." Lena throws off all of the throw pillows on the bed.

"Yeah, I'm already prepared to be called pancake man all day long." Aaron laughs as they both climb into bed.

Lena kisses his lips after every word. "You. Are. My. Favorite. Person. When should we start working on that punishment list?"

"Mmm, tomorrow night. When there is one less child in this house and I've had a full night's rest." Aaron cuddles into Lena.

"Perfect. Goodnight baby." She squeezes his arm draped across her waist.

"Goodnight, Le." He kisses her head.


It was now time for brunch, Lena and Aaron's home was filled with the best smells. Aaron was working hard in the kitchen while Lena was dancing in the living room with the boys. This would be one of their first gatherings at their new home. They were both secretly excited, the doorbell rang and the team walked into the house, not even waiting for the two to say 'come in.'

"Hello, Hello! We're here!" Emily shouts walking inside.

"Well, come on in I guess!" Lena laughs, shocked at the notion.

David kisses Lena's cheek and shouts towards the kitchen. "You need help in there, Aaron?"

Aaron shouts back, "sure! Just don't overstep Dave."

"Yeah, okay, sure..." David rolls his eyes at you and chuckles.

"David." Lena playfully slaps his shoulder.

"Hey, Mrs.Hotchner. You have a beautiful home." Matt Leasen walks into the lovely home with a bouquet.

"Hey, Pen&Paper! Thank you so much, welcome!" Lena grabs the flowers from his hands.

"Lena! The place looks great!" JJ smiles brightly.

"Thank you! Aunt Liv helped me so much with the decor, I couldn't have done it without her." Lena caresses Henry's hair as she spoke.

"I should hire her!" JJ exclaimed.

"Be my guest! Okay, boys go wash your hands, Aaron is almost done with the food." Lena pushes the boys towards the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll race you guys!" Noah laughs.

Jack begins to count, "1...2...3... Go!"

Everybody was ready to eat as soon as Aaron put the food on the table. David puts some soft jazz on the surround sound speakers for some nice background music. After they all sat down, Mr. Leasen was ready to start things back up again.

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