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A/N: There is a Part 2!

*Current Day*

Third Person POV

"I think I'm pregnant." Lena let out a nervous sigh.

Aaron's body stiffened and he took a deep breath, "Honey..."

"I know, I know. I just haven't had my period yet and I've been feeling really nauseous these past few days," Lena bit her lip while looking out at the landscape.

"Baby, you know what the doctor said," Aaron turned her around and looked Lena in her teary eyes.

Lena huffed and leaned against Aaron's chest, "I know... I just. I don't know, I rarely get sick and we have never needed to use protection. So..."

Aaron kissed her forehead, "I just don't want us getting our hopes up, hmm. And no matter what I promise you, you are enough."

"I love you, Aaron." She pecked his lips and sniffled.

"I love you, Lena. We'll call the doctor tomorrow," he smiled at Lena.

She smiled back, "Okay, I'm gonna clean up in here, and then I'll be right out."

"Alright baby, I'll hold down the fort." He gave his wife a tight hug and a quick kiss.

As Lena said, she finished up in the kitchen, dried her tears, and rejoined the group. She was ready for this brunch to be over. She loved everyone at that dining room table of hers, but she was tired and the idea of her possibly having a baby weighed heavily on her mind. If she wasn't pregnant she would have a difficult time swallowing that pill again. If Lena was pregnant she would be ecstatic, nervous but ecstatic. She had always wanted a child of her own or at least the possibility of having one.

"Alright everyone, I need to get you guys out of here. I'm tired and Lena and I have a busy day tomorrow." Aaron winked at Lena, being able to read her like a book.

"You're acting older than me, Aaron." Rossi chuckled.

"What can I say? My wife and son wear me down." Aaron wiggled his eyebrows at Lena.

"Aaron!" Lena nudged him and laughed.

"On that note, I'm gone," Derek said, rubbing his full stomach.

Everyone stands up laughing and hugs each other goodbye. Lena and Aaron go to say goodbye to Mr. Matt Leasen.

"Hey, Pen&Paper! It was great meeting you." Lena shakes Matts hand.

"Yeah, we hope you got what you needed or at least enjoyed the story." Aaron shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh I did, Mr. Hotchner. Thank you for being so candid, as I'm to understand you're not an open book." Leasen smirked at Aaron.

"That's right but now and then if you catch me on a good day, I don't mind sharing a little." He pulled Lena close to him and kissed her cheek.

"Mrs. Hotchner thank you for being the narrator. I'm sorry for the struggles you have been through, but you have really come out with an amazing life." Leasen said with a blank face, making Lena laugh.

Lena nodded, "That I have! Get home safe and if you're ever around don't be afraid to say hi."

"Thank you, have a good day!" Leasen nodded and waved goodbye.


It was two days later, Lena and Aaron were at work. Lena had just thrown up and she was miserable emotionally, luckily they had a Doctor's appointment at the end of the day.

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