New York, New York

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"Oh! You must be the famous Lena! The team here can't stop talking about you!"

"Haha, yup that's me! I'll put a good word in for you! Have a nice day ma'am!"

I make my way to the back of the station and head right towards my Aunt's office. When I'm stopped by... "Dominick Carisi! You put me down this very instant!"

"Whatcha gonna do about it little Le? Huh!?"

"I'll call your MOTHER!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't I though?"

Carisi puts me back down onto the ground and gives me one of his best bear hugs. He eyes me up and down. I do the same, he was my best friend, my big brother and unlike most, he could read me like a book.

"What's wrong? Who hurt you?"

"Ah, no one Dom. It was just a tough case, it reminded me of my childhood and I don't have dad with me anymore. So, I came to see the next best thing."

"Don't get all choked up Le, I'm here now."

"Thanks, you idiot, but where's my Aunty?"

"She should be here any minute. She and the guys had to testify today."

"Alrighty, I'll be in her office, and Dom... Thank you."

"Anything for you Le!"


"Is that our Little Lena?!?!?"

"Uncle Much! Uncle T! I missed you guys so so much!"

"Does Liv know you're here?"

"No, this is more of an S.O.S visit. My team and I just finished up on a really tough case. I needed to see my family right now."

"Awe, well we are always here for you!"

"You mean to tell me our in house FBI agent/niece needs some hugs from us oldies? Bring it in!"

I hug my Uncle Munch and take in a deep breath. Coffee and Old spice, just like dad, god I miss him.

"Is that my little girl?!? Lena, baby!!!"

"Aunty Liv!" I ran up to her grinning, I haven't seen her since I moved back home. We hug for what seems to be an hour, but in reality, it was only a minute.

"Baby girl, not that I'm not happy to see you, but why are you here?"

"Can we talk in your office, please?"

"Of course! Come on, let's go."

We walk into her office and I begin to ball my eyes out. I told her all about the case and she immediately understood why I was there. Living in Virginia was hard, it was always home, but it was hard. I had just recently lost my father, he was my everything. He was my savior, my mentor, and the person who gave me an amazing family. I just needed to see that family and be reminded as to why I joined the FBI in the first place.


Two days have gone by and I'm feeling better than ever! Especially with Aunty Liv's retail therapy and my Uncle's constant praises. I walked into the station ready for what the day was going to bring my way. At least I thought I was.

"Hey Aunt Liv, did you see that there is going to be a showcase for some of the crown jewels! We can take Noah and-"

"I'm sorry Lena we can't. It seems like we have a case... and you're not gonna like it."

"Huh? Why?"

"It involves the same unsub from your last case."

Tears start to fill up in my eyes and I clench onto her so tight, I don't know how she was still breathing.

"It's okay Little Lena, I'm here. You're safe and no one is going to hurt you." She pats my back and rubs my shoulders.

"Now, don't freak out, but your team just walked in through the door. They are here to help with the case. Do you think you can face them right now?"

"Oh god, I look like a complete mess, but I don't have a choice now do I? Go ahead and get started, I'm going to freshen up."

"Okay Le, do you want me to say anything?"

"No, just introduce yourself as normal. I'll be right there."

As she walks off I begin to clear my tears and touch up my makeup. I steal one of her blazers hanging off the back of the door, seeing as I was in a short white lace dress that showed off my body. Unless I was around family, I always covered my body up. I was so self-conscious about my love handles, but lately, that has been changing little by little. I take a deep breath and make my way into the conference room. Time to put on a show...

"So I see I have some stalkers! What brought you to my neck of the woods?"

Carisi runs up behind me, "We have a case you numbnuts!"

"Be professional Carisi! This is my team from back home! Guys and Gals, this is Dominick Carisi, our resident 'muscle' and one of my best friends."

"One of!? You gotta be kidding me, Le!"

The team looks shocked. I knew partly it was because they didn't expect to see me, but if this is how they react with Dom, then they're in for a treat. Just then Uncle Munch and Tutuola walk through the door, they each greet me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's Aunt Liv? I thought she'd be in here already?"

"She had a phone call, something with Barba."

"Ah, well okay then! Let's get the introductions out of the way then!"

I introduced the teams and made sure to use the SVU's field names, to come off a bit more professional. My team was still in a bit of shock.

"...And you all met Carisi. That just leaves- oh, there she is."

Aunt Olivia walks to the head of the table, she overpowered the men in that room just by her stance alone. Causing my team to completely readjust their posture. I was so proud.

"Hello, welcome to the Special Victims Unit. I had hoped to meet you all under better circumstances, but there is no time like the present. I've heard so many wonderful things about your team, I'm-"

"Olivia Benson! Oh, sorry, I'm a big fan of your work ma'am."

We all looked at JJ shocked.

"You must be JJ, and yes I'm Olivia Benson the head of this unit and Lena's Aunt."

Now all the eyes are back on me.

"And we're her Uncles"

"Remind me to never tease you again baby girl."

I roll my eyes at Morgan and sit between Munch and Hotch. We're in for a wild ride!


I needed the chapter to happen! I hope you enjoy it! 

Forever & Alwaysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن