Here Comes The... Bride

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*Current Day*


"I loved it! It's my favorite part Lena has told me about!" Spencer smiled at the couple.

"Don't worry you two, we know you both are still badass. However, that is the cutest, most romantic, most amazing proposal I've ever heard of," Penelope chuckled.

"Penny, you are amazing, never change." Lena smiled and sighed.

"I have to say, Aaron. That proposal was one for the books, I'll have to keep it in mind for wife number four." Rossi laughed.

"Jeez, Rossi! You guys have to wait for me to catch up!" Derek chimed in.

Emily smirked and shook her head, "Penny, Spence, and I will keep you company, Morgan."

Derek points under her nose, "Uh-Uh, Prentiss! I'll find my girl soon enough."

"Hey! Don't go replacing me, Sugar!" Penelope shouts

"Never, baby girl!" Morgan laughs.

"So, when did the happy couple tell you all?" Leasen interrupts 

"I think the week after they came back from New York." JJ had her eyes squinted, trying to recall.

"Yeah, when we came home we took some time to tell the small amount of family that we did have," Lena hugged Aaron's arm.

Aaron kissed her forehead, "Jack knew I was going to propose and when we came back he was bouncing off the walls."


*Time Travel*

Aaron's POV

"Hey, hey! We're home!" I shouted, walking in through the door.

"Daddy! Mama! Did you say yes?!?" Jack ran up to Lena, tugging on her arm.

She smiled at him, "you knew?"

His smile grew, "yeah! I went with Dad and Aunt Emily to get the ring!" 

"Oh my goodness! That's amazing! You and Dad were very sneaky." She leaned down, poked his nose, and kissed his cheek.

"Mhmm! And you guys will be together forever and always now! Right Daaaddd?" Jack drew out the last few words and turned towards me.

"That's right, buddy!" I chuckled.

Lena stood up and looked between the two of us, "I don't approve of either of you stealing my line!"

"You love it," I said with a smile.

"Secretly, maybe," she kissed my cheek.

"What's going on in here?" Jessica came out from the kitchen.

"Hey, Jess! Thank you for watching the little bugger." Lena hugs her.

"It's not a problem at all! What's all of the excitement about?" She smiled looked at the three of us standing in the living room. 

I was a bit nervous to tell her, she was Hailey's sister after all. "I, um,- I asked Lena to marry me."

She was quiet for a moment, "you did? ... Finally!!!"

"You're okay with this?" My eyebrows lifted.

She squeezed my shoulder, "I know what my sister did to you, Aaron. You deserve to be happy, both of you do. This has been a long time coming! Let me see the ring, Lena!"

I took a deep breath, I hadn't told anyone but Lena about Hailey's affair. I was relieved that Jessica understood.

Lena squealed, "Oh my gosh, it's beautiful! It was like I picked it out myself. Let me tell you about the proposal!"

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