I'm In Here

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"Lena, baby! Please. No, no, no! Stay with me" Aaron cries.

Lena's eyes open for a split second, "You..."

"What baby? I, What? Stay awake. Let me see those beautiful eyes!"He yells.

Her eyes close as the team runs out of the FBI building. Agents surround Aaron, the exploded SUV, and Lena.

Lena was limp and lifeless. She had cuts, shards of glass sticking out of her body, and blood. There was so much blood, it was everywhere.

Derek and Rossi run towards Aaron, who is cradling Lena, screaming. "What are you people doing! CALL A MEDIC!"

Rossi goes to pull Aaron away from Lena's body, but Aaron fights him off.

"What do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off of me, make yourself useful, and GET SOME GODDAMN HELP!" He snaps.

Penny, JJ, and Emily see Lena's body and almost collapse.

"No, Le you can't! Where the fuck is the medic!" Emily shouts.

The team watches Aaron rock Lena back and forth.

"Lena, come on. You can't do this to me. To Jack. Baby please if you can hear me hold on! We have so much left to do still!"

The team looks at each other in shock and cry even more once they take in Aaron and Lena's situation. They now know that Aaron and Lena had fallen madly and completely in love with one another. Kate comes running out of the building and neals down next to Aaron.

"Get the fuck away from her, from us!" He spat.

Kate jumps and goes to hide behind a few agents.

-At the hospital-

Aaron's POV

I sit in the waiting room. Just waiting. The team sits around me in silence. Rossi walks up to me holding a coffee. I gladly accept it. It's been five hours, my hearing has finally gotten back to normal. I only had a few cuts, which was nothing compared to my girlfriend who has been in surgery for four and a half hours. How could I have not seen this? I should have known!

"Do you need me to call anyone?" Dave asks.

"Um, yeah, Olivia Benson. Make sure her whole squad knows." I say with a foreign shaky voice.

"You got it. Anyone else? Mom?" He asks.

That's when I realized I never asked about her mother, "Just call Olivia."


Olivia and her team come barreling into the waiting room.

"Where is she?" Carisi says with anger.

"What happened?" Munch said quickly.

"Please tell me this isn't true!?" Fin says, holding onto Olivia.

"Is my sweet girl... is she dead?" Olivia is a mess, I have guilt. So much guilt.

JJ and Rossi explain the situation as I pace along the halls. Olivia, Fin, and Munch walk towards me.

"I'm so sorry Liv!" I cry.

Fin places a hand on my shoulder, "Unless you planted the bomb you have nothing to be sorry for."

"W-we fought. Right before and I didn't say it back! I didn't tell her-" Olivia cut me off.

"You need to stop! I need you to breathe. Lena is stronger than any one of us. I need you to focus on the future. She will survive this. She has to." she cries.

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