New York, New York Pt.2

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Aaron's POV

The team and I got a call informing us that our most recent unsub was connected with another ongoing case. They needed our team to come in to help get the unsub's partner. The more eyes they had on this case the better, so I'm told.

"Where's the case JJ?"

"Funny enough, New York."

"Interesting... should we call her Hotch?"

"No, give her the vacation. I have a feeling she needs it. Wheels up in twenty."


I follow behind the team as they walk into the station. I am stopped dead in my tracks when I see Lena- I mean Evergreen- sobbing into the Unit Chiefs neck.

Why is she here? Is she okay?

You wanna hold her. You want to comfort her.

Of course, I do. She is my- a member of my team.


"Hey, Hotch we're setting up over here."

" I'm right behind you Dave, don't worry."

Rossi was my second in command, and he loved giving me a hard time. It was like he could read my thoughts.

We all take our seats in the conference rooms. I was so confused as to why she was here, none of us called her in. Maybe the SVU did? I started to set up when I heard her smooth voice boom throughout the room.

"Be professional Carisi! This is my team from back home! Guys and Gals, this is Dominick Carisi, our resident 'muscle' and one of my best friends."

I was shocked, to say the least. My mind went blank, it was Lena alright, but that dress, her hair, her smile, and her body. It's a different Lena, she looks... happy. I have only seen her smile like that a few times. It was during dinner...

What are you doing!? Snap out of it 'bossman!'

She introduced us to the SVU team and then Olivia Benson came in. I was about to ask Lena why she was here, but that's when the intimidating Oliva Benson told us Lena was her niece. The other two older detectives then shared that they were her Uncles. Le- Evergreen sat between me and the detective known as Munch.

Lena Evergreen you are an enigma...


*Back to Lena's POV*

"Okay Aunt Liv, here's what our team has on one of your unsubs. He's currently being transferred to a high-security prison..."

I brought the SVU up to date with our last case letting Em and Reid interject along the way. The SVU shares their information with us and we all get to work. We needed to find our unsubs partner, and quickly. Even if this case weighed heavily on my mind I'd never let it get the best of me. I had a job to do and kids to save.

I signal the SVU team to give me a moment alone with my team and they take the hint. Once they all walk out Morgan sits up.

"What a small world, Sassy! Is this where you worked before the BAU?"

"Yeah, it is. I've known Aunty Liv since I was fifteen. Two years ago they needed a profiler for a case. The team wanted someone that they could trust, so I was called in."

"Woah Lena, that's so cool!"

"Haha, thanks, Reid."

"So you're telling me you took a vacation to work? And I thought Hotch was a workaholic."

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