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Today 1:45 PM

Yo, ramen whore

🍜🍥: Is this Sakura-Chan?
🍜🍥: Or is this the number of a certain emotionally frocked person that Ino gave to troll me?

That was oddly specific...
But really, it's meh 🌸

🍜🍥: It's been a while since we've spoken, Sakura-Chan :)

It has
Ino-pig told me that that ur the President of the Student Council
Congrats on that!

🍜🍥: Just a step closer to becoming the mayor if this city!
🍜🍥: *of

Keep dreaming, O' Great Inhaler of Narutomaki.

🍜🍥: I swear Sakura-Chan!
🍜🍥: It will happen one day!
🍜🍥: Dattebayo!

I never said it wouldn't ;)

🍜🍥: I'm shitting rn

I'll just ttyl

🍜🍥: No, no, keep on talking
🍜🍥: I'm just making u aware

I didn't need to know that, baka
βακα..._φ(゚∀゚ )

🍜🍥: Meanie
🍜🍥ᕦ⁞ ˵ ͡◕ ╭ ͟ʖ╮ ◕͡ ˵ ⁞ᕤ


🍜🍥: 👃

What class do you have next?

🍜🍥: Free period
🍜🍥: U?

I have PE with Gai-Sensei next
Need to go change

🍜🍥: Bye Sakura-Chan
🍜🍥: ttyl
🍜🍥: Good luck with gai-sensei

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