Season 2: Chapter 15

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"Update: on yesterday's incident at the UA rescue training center where hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains. According to new police officials, the criminal forces called themselves 'The League of Villains'" Every tv I passed on my way to school was covering the incident that left my body chilled to the bone. Quite literally. During the incident I pushed myself to use two constellations and the drawback may have been minor but the chill it left in my body is something I haven't felt in so long.

Arriving at the gates of the school I was met with Principal Nezu.
"It is unusual to see you in uniform but it can't be helped this is an important matter that calls for your help. Not as Amaya but as Void." Nezu spoke as we walked to the faculty meeting. They gave us students the day off to get our asses back into gear. But as someone who's not a student, I don't have that option.
"You're not wrong. Whatever they cooked up yesterday was something....inhumane and it doesn't take a genius to know they probably experimented on some poor innocent person to get what they made. Keeping class 1A safe is my top priority sir but so is the lives of innocents. Tell the faculty what you must about me and my mission. Tell my identity as a last resort." I answered as he nodded in agreement.

"We've gotta track 'em down. I shot their ringleader, but once he heals up he'll probably try pullin' somethin' like this again-"
"Most likely. They've been planning this for months. I've been watching his follower's moves for the past few months and they've only spoken on the USJ incident but they spoke of if it failed Tomura had backup plans." I cut snipe off as we walked through the door. Everyone fell silent and stared. Knowing their questions Nezu spoke up.

"Void has been sent to us by headquarters. She has been the one that has been getting the intel on the league since the beginning. Headquarters has sent her to us to protect the students in 1A and we will all welcome her to these meetings." The last sentence was spoken with authority. Some had the looks of disagreement while others looked as if they could care less about it. Mostly the ones I've worked beside before.

"Is something on your mind, All Might?" Snipe asked as I sat down.
"The attack on the USJ was too bold. No sane adult would ever attempt it. The ringleader kept monologuing about the reasons he was there. And he bragged about Nomu's many Quirks, but he never said a word about his own powers. When things didn't go his way, he was visibly upset. Like he was gonna throw a tantrum. Ahh, I guess bragging about Nomu's Quirks was a quick way to draw me into a fight. That might be true, yes, but strategically, it was foolish to reveal his Quirks up front instead of keeping them a secret." All Might answered as his brain kept thinking. Everything he said had me thinking too.

"Shigaraki made wild, immature claims, but did so with a completely straight face. And he talked about Nomu like he was some kind of a pet. It seemed like he'd never been told "no" before‐‐" he trailed off before.

"like he thought things would go his way no matter what. He has the personality of a spoiled little brat. A man‐child. A child with incredible power, though. It's possible he never got the Quirk counseling students received in elementary school." I continue for him thoughtfully. Even though I never went to elementary school headquarters gave even me quirk counseling. Probably more than a regular child that has a powerful quirk since mine is very unique.

"Maybe so, but it doesn't really matter now," Snipe commented.
"It doesn't but with how many villains that got arrested which was how many detective?"
"72," he replied.
"72 villains who were mostly back alley type thugs. All joined in for this man-child's ideals. They viewed him as a real leader. Criminals are starting to feel more pressure now that the world is brimming with heroes. That could be why they were so quick to back such simple‐minded villainy."

I finally left the faculty meeting after 2 hours of more discussion and how we are to move forward and keep the students safe. The only question that remained is why now? Why this? I always knew villains were starting to ban together and form groups but this...this was an army. An act of war. War is certainly brewing. I can feel it in my bones. In wars there's always the question is...who and what will the heroes lose?

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