Chapter 2 (Edited)

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"Right now. After you sign the contract for the mission there will be a car out front for you to take you to U.A. You will meet with the principal to discuss things. There will be a bag in the car with clothes for you to change into. Keep your true identity hidden. The principal will have everything you need for this mission and will provide you with anything you need." The head chairmen explained.
"So you knew I would take the mission?" I replied stiffly.
"We had a hunch. You never could leave innocent people in harm's way."

"Unbelievable." I sighed while walking into the school with black ripped jeans, a black belt with a few chains, a red and black striped long sleeve, and a black shirt over it. My only other accessory is a choker and my piercings. This school isn't gonna like me much that's one thing I can say. I look like a problem child. A trouble maker. Even though I have no idea how to interact with people my age.

Walking through the doors a woman with a rated R costume meaning a rated R hero stood before me.
"You must be the principal's recommended student. Miss. Aoki correct?" she questioned. 'Seriously that's the last name they gave me? I mean I guess it works since I don't have a last name.' Giving her a curt nod she smiles.
"You're just so cute! Right this way!" she said while shifting from leg to leg pushing her chest together before walking in a direction. 'Her and Celeste would get along great'.

Walking up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor we arrived at a door to which I can assume is the principal's office. She knocked twice before a voice let us know we could come in but when she opened the door to let me in I was shocked. 'A rat?' I thought to myself as I raised a brow that held a piercing.
"Principal Nezu, Miss. Aoki is here." the rated R hero announced. I don't know many heroes besides the ones I've worked with or are on the news a lot although she did look familiar.
"Thank you Midnight. Miss. Aoki, please do come in. Would you like some tea?

I nodded my head and took a seat and soon he joined me placing a steaming cup in front of me.
"I'm sure you know of my identity seeing as you took the liberty of saying you recommended me." I started the conversation not wanting to beat around the bush.
"That is correct...Void. I understand you have a mission here and I'm here to help. I will be the only one who knows of this mission other than All Might. Are there any questions or concerns?" he replied curtly.

"There are a few. First off, anything and I mean any information that can hinder my mission needs to be discussed now."
"I can only think of one. Not many people know of this so I need you to keep quiet. I will inform All Might myself that I told you and why. All Might suffered an injury 5 years ago that has weakened him greatly. All Might now has limited time in his Hero form and pushing past his limits lowers that time frame." he informed with a hint of sadness laced in his voice.

This is serious. If he dies or goes into retirement there's no telling what will happen to the world which could endanger the students more and most important all civilians. This just made my job a whole lot harder and not just this job. I have to watch the number 1 pros back now.
"For my next concern, my quirk. I'm sure headquarters has informed you on what it is and how it mostly works?-" I questioned earning me a nod to continue. "-my concern is using it around the students. Will it be safe enough for me to use? I have trained with it but not enough to know its full length. I rely mainly on my capabilities that don't involve my quirk." I finished.

Without wasting a second he replied, "indeed I think it's even better to use it around the students. We have a very strong bunch this year and it will challenge you and them both alike and you will learn more about your quirk and the lengths it'll go." I sighed in relief as he said this. I miss celeste. I don't use my quirk unless it comes down to my only option. Shaking my head to clear it. It's time I voiced my last concern which is a bit of a silly concern to have. Feeling a little nervous and a bit insecure I twiddled my thumbs without looking up at the principal.

"My last concern are my piercings a problem? They are kind of important to me. Everytime I saved someone I would reward myself by getting piercings, they represent some of my most cherished saves." I voiced quietly while subconsciously touching my most recent piercing from when I helped with saving a boy. The silence was heavy until the little rat man busted up laughing causing me to look at him with my eyebrows scrunched in confusion. His laughter died down as he wiped a tear from his eye.
"I see no problem with them, Miss Aoki." I sighed in relief.

~Time Skip~

"Here is your uniform, all the files on your classmates, and your undercover file. I will see you at school on Monday. So study up on those during the weekend. Welcome to U.A. High School Miss Aoki Amaya.."

The principal's voice rang in my head. Aoki Amaya. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. Has a nice ring to it.

Walking into my apartment I set down my bag with my costume and headed into the kitchen to cook something.
"Damn I need to go shopping," I muttered to myself seeing not a lot of things in the fridge.
"I guess a salad is gonna have to do for tonight." I sighed grabbing the ingredients.

Sitting down at my desk I pulled out all the files from my bag, laying them in a stack.
"Let's get started." I began pulling file by file reading over and taking notes in my notebook, leaving 2-4 blank pages after their first page to fit further notes after I spend time around them. The last file was mine. Setting aside 3 students who interested me the most I pulled mine in front of me.

First Name: Amaya
Last Name: Aoki
Birthday: March 25th
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: O
Quirk: Constellations
Medical: ADHD, OCD, Manic, Anxiety, and Insomnia,

Not much on me but it's enough. The quirk isn't right though. Sliding it aside I pulled the 3 that interested me the most. Glancing over 2 of them again I set them aside and brought the last one over to open up one last time.

First name: Katsuki
Last name: Bakugo
Birthday: April 20th
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Hair Color: Ash Blonde
Eye Color: Red
Blood Type: A
Quirk: Explosions
Medical: Explosive anger, OCD, and PTSD

"Bakugo Katsuki, huh...Where have I heard your name before?"

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