Season 2: Chapter 17

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Grabbing the case from my locker I headed to the stairs that I knew led to the roof. Of course, the door was locked but nothing a little bobby pin can't fix. Opening the door the breeze was a slap to the face and I loved it. It nipped at my hair and my clothes trying to drag me to its destination. It was calming. Sighing I find a place against the wall to sit.

Unzipping the case I revealed the beautiful dark wood of my guitar. The one time I spent money on myself was when it came to instruments and things to record my own songs. Playing each string to tune it up since it's been a while I finally play a few chords letting the sound be carried to wherever the wind takes it.

I practiced strumming the tune to the current song I was working on while humming along without knowing the words I would put with it. My tensed shoulders relaxed and I was able to breathe again. The memories drifted away with the music and the wind to wherever. I played each chord with precision and confidence. This is the one thing I could never mess up. The one thing I couldn't lose control with. The one thing that I couldn't harm. The one thing that won't die from me touching it.

For the last 2 days since we got told about the festival during hero classes, we were to train our abilities, train our bodies, and prepare for whatever would come our way. While most were doing that my training was more mentally. Constantly using my quirk to create a sphere around me to study more and more constellations and where they were. During lunches, I would disappear and play my guitar. It kept me calm and kept the nerves away for what was to come at the sports festival. Constantly Aizawa would be watching over my shoulder trying to make sure I was ok. I hated it yet loved it. It made me feel safe to use my quirk.

"Oi! Starfire! Quit sitting around and actually train. I won't fight someone who's half-assing it!"
"As you can see Bakugo I am very much training my mind and filling my arsenal. Please come back at a later time." I responded calmly.
"Hell no! Get your lazy ass up. You said you wanted a training partner right? Then get up and fight me." he was a bit quieter now. Probably embarrassed to agree to such a thing. Peeking an eye open I now noticed that he was actually screaming in my face. I smirked.
"Alright fine. Think fast." I whispered as I did a sitting spin kick which he caught quite easily and threw me back only for me to flip over to my feet and get into a fighting stance. Both of us smirked and got in the mood.

"Bring it on pretty boy," my quirk spoke through me as I activated it.

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