Season 2: Chapter 27

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After giving us a few days to recover from our injuries we now sat in the classroom again but my mind was still somewhere else. Over the past few days, I've dug up anything and everything I could about the Hero Killer. Studied everything and after today I'm coming for him. I won't let him wreak havoc any longer.

"Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names." Aizawa's voice brought me back from my thoughts. Blinking twice, "Code names?" why would I need that when I already have one? Right because I'm supposed to be in the hero course.
"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first-years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often canceled
if that interest dies down by graduation." He further explained.

Right. So basically bidding on us but we get to choose who's the best bidder out of them and they can always withdraw their bid. Cool. I tuned out until I received a whiteboard to what I'm guessing we're supposed to use to write our hero names on.
"Well, this is completely pointless." I shrugged as I wrote something down knowing it won't stick anyway since I'm only here temporarily. But something about the name I chose didn't sit right with me so I erased it and brained-stormed until it smacked me right in the face. The perfect name.

After the loud outburst of Bakugo wanting to be called King Explosion Murder, he sat down and I was one of the last few left to go up. Izuku went up the Iida who used his name like Shoto.
"How about you Aoki?" Midnight called. Giving a curt nod I stood up confident with what I chose. It fits, it's sorta flashy, and I kinda like the name given to me. Before walking up I looked at Bakugos whiteboard as he was writing down "Lord Explosion Murder". Snorting, "You don't learn do you, Dynamite?" I didn't see anything wrong with the nickname considering he doesn't even use my last name or first.
"Shut the hell up."

Standing in the front I flip my whiteboard around.
"I'll be known as 'The space hero: Starfire'" I smiled.
"It fits you perfectly!!! Because you know you shoot the stars with that super pretty bow!" Ochako comments making me smile a little more. I took a glimpse at the boy who gave me the idea and he was glaring but not like how he glared at Izuku. It was more in disbelief. Sitting back down I laughed and shook my head when Bakugo showed the name I saw him jot down before I went up.

As soon as the bell rings for lunch I put my plan into action. Grabbing my huge packet of offers and heading to the lunch table with Mina I skim through the heroes and circled who would be most trustworthy not even bothering to eat.
"You should really Eat something Amaya because of your quirk and all," Mina commented while drinking a bit of her milk.
"I'm ok I have too much on my mind right now to eat anything," I reply not looking up from my packet.
"I would too if I had that many offers. It would be hard to choose someone since your quirk is so unique." Kiri commented and I only nodded before shooting up from the table and closing the packet.
"Where are you going?? You couldn't have picked one already?!" Mina squeaked.
"I have, I need to talk to the principal and Aizawa," I responded quickly while leaving to knock on said Principles door.

"Come-" I don't let him finish as I barge in.
"Call Aizawa in. He needs to know."

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