Season 2: Chapter 18

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What went from useful training turned into an all-out brawl. Words of hate and hurtful things were thrown around carelessly. So here we are...sat in recovery girls' room. Refusing to look at each other. He had a busted lip and an already bruising eye. A dislocated jaw and a minor concussion. While I had a sprained wrist. Broken nose. And a busted lip. Bruises littered our dirtied bodies. Recovery girl sat there tapping her foot glaring at us in annoyance.
"You do realize I am not required to heal you both right?!" she scolded. I don't know how this little old woman struck so much fear in me but she did. I gulped as I nodded.
"Pull a stunt like this and not mind yourselves on how you train I will have you fix yourselves!" she yelled before giving us kisses on our foreheads.
"Now stay here and rest I have paperwork to do."

As soon as she left we were left in awkward silence. I started humming a small tune to fill the silence. But once he sighed I stopped.
"Oi." he gruffed. I ignored him and pretended he wasn't there.
"Oi! Dumbass!" he raised his voice a little louder. I shot him a glare.
"Why do you always sneak to the roof." this question made my face drop.
"How did you know? Have you been following me??" I glared again.
"You were acting suspicious so yes I did. Why the hell do you go to the roof?!" he questioned a little harder.

"Oh, I don't know I'm just up there planning a way to help the villains infiltrate the school... What the hell do you think I do up there?! I get away from everyone so I can actually think to myself and breathe!" I flared my hands around dramatically. He scoffed and shook his head.
"Thats not why you go up there dumbass quit fucking lying" he gruffed.
"Oh like you think you know me? What do you think I'm lying about?!"
"You're lying about why you go up there. You go up there to hide something!!"
"I'm not hiding anything!!"
"The fuck you aren't"
"Fuck off Katsuki Bakugo!" I turned away from him in anger.

So fucking annoying. Who does he think he is butting into someone else business?  He doesn't even know me. I stood up and started pacing to calm myself. I need to get in control of myself. I can't be losing myself like this so close to the festival.
"Would you sit the fuck down?"

"No. It's the only thing keeping calm and from murdering someone." I half-joked only it mostly wasn't a joke.
"Well you're irritating the shit out of me."
"Well I could careless what's doing what to you. I need to do this so I'm going to do this." as soon as the words left my lips I felt his warm hands grip my wrist.
"Something is obviously going on in that obnoxious head of yours and it's affecting how you're fucking acting so just fucking say it instead of playing this stupid long game."

"Again it's none of your business. You don't know me so why should I tell you anything?" I gruffed as I ripped myself away from him and walked out the door. I've done enough resting for today.

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