Chapter 14 (Edited)

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After the whole USJ event, I had many inquiries through headquarters as the undercover student and many questions from detectives as a "student" not catching a single break until it was almost sundown. I need a break. I need to get these negative emotions out. Aizawa my partner and now teacher was in critical damage. Thirteen was pretty ok but All Might....his hero time shortened. By a lot. He's getting weaker and I finally figured out why. After watching Midoriya launch after the villain it was unmistakable.

All Might gave Midoriya his quirk. The only question that remains now is how much longer will All Might be around to be the symbol of peace? These thoughts have been plaguing my mind along with the guilt I feel for not doing more to help. I could've saved Aizawa from the damage he received. I could've kept All Might from getting hurt the way he did if I would've gotten my ass in gear sooner.

Shaking my head I slipped my vigilante costume on but this time leaving my hair undone. Was I to go on a mission? No. I'm going to do what I love most. Run-on top of rooftops, swing around the city, and jump from buildings. This, this is what I do to feel free. This is what I'm made for.

Jumping out of my apartment window after making sure the coast was clear I latched the cords that were placed on my arms and swung to the next building. Pulling myself just high enough to get on top of the roof and break into a run.

Running. Running from what? My responsibilities. My life. My duties. Who I am. Who I chose to be. Would I have chosen differently if I had the option? Maybe. I could've been like all those students today. Attending my classes to become a pro hero. To save people every day and build a name for myself. But I can't. It wasn't me. I live in the shadows of the minds of the people. In the hearts of others. Working Underground to make the world a safer and better place. No media. Barely any fame. I have quite the name for myself but no one knows who I am. Who I truly am.

Aoki Amaya? She's my fake persona. Hopping over another building with a grunt I kept going until I got closer and closer to town. Aoki Amaya is a nobody. A fake. No one knows that she's not real. She's not me. I'm not her. She's who I could've been but who I'm not. Grunting again I jumped off of the building to swing to the next. How long have I been running, jumping, and swinging for? I have no idea but I know that the sun was almost about to set and I plan to make it to the perfect place to see it before it happens.

It's a little past the place I now call school which is really just a mission. Another job. I mean it's getting me paid well. I got a good amount for the USJ incident. More than what a 16-year-old needs. While I do pay for my housing and food I'm pretty good at saving and not spending money when I don't need to. Oh, another building I have to swing from. Jumping the wind flies through my hair blocking any sounds that could've reached my ears. My stomach dropped with my body right before I hook my cords into another rooftop.

Taking a break I stopped. I'm right across from the school now. Looking over I watched how the windows sparkled in the now lowering sunlight. Until my eyes met with a pair of crimson red. I should've ran. My identity can't be known but what made me not run? I don't know. His eyes captivated mine. They held familiarity with them. Like he knew me. Like he could see right through my mask. My fake persona's. His ash-blonde hair turned a slight shade of orange. His always glaring eyes glowing. Complimenting the colors of the setted sun. It took my breath away.

I've learned he and I are more alike than I could've known. But who am I really? Could I really say we are alike if I didn't even know who I was? This double life is confusing me from what I've always thought of myself. Just how long will it take for me to decide?

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