Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Showing up to school a bit earlier than I would've liked was honestly a good idea now. Reporters crowded the entry gates and that's the first I felt real anxiety. 'Did they find out my identity!? There's no possible way they could've! This is why I work in the shadows I can't stand cameras and crowds like this!' I was internally panicking and I tried to push my way through them. Most shoving their cameras and microphones in my face asking questions about All Might.
"Can you please back up? You guys and overwhelming me." I pleaded but none could hear over their own comments.

"Move it losers!" a gruff voice yelled from behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Anyone could recognize his voice by now. Now feeling a tug at my wrist I was pulled through the crowd. I didn't open my eyes until I felt that I was completely free of them.
"How are you supposed to be a hero if you can't handle simple reporters and media?!" he yelled once we got into the gates. I flinched back for the first time from his yelling. I was still getting over my mini panic attack.

"I-i don't know. I wasn't planning to be a hero that was the flashy type. I work best under the radar away from media." my thoughts raced out of my mouth before I could seriously think.
"Tch well you better get a grip because this is UA cameras and media will always be all over this school, especially with All might here and I won't be saving your ass every time you get a panic attack from it." he glared at me with a stern look that told me he wasn't lying but at that moment how could he have known how much of a lie that was for in the future it was so much different.

It was homeroom before our morning classes and everyone was fighting over who wanted to be class president while my mind was completely elsewhere.
"I have to tell you something" Midoriya's voice rang out in the courtyard in front of the school. I was waiting for Bakugo to speak to him but it seems I'm intruding on something I most likely shouldn't-
"I wasn't hiding my quirk from was given to me by someone else..recently." The broccoli boy continued. Or maybe I should. This is important although I doubt he'll say who he got it from it shouldn't be hard to figure out though. I tuned out until his voice came out and it was different. Like he was holding back sobs.
"When I was watching that ice guy, and that power shifter girl, I realized I couldn't beat him or her in a head‐to‐head fight. She was in control of our entire fight. I lost because I underestimated her and I'll never do it again."

"Aoki you need to vote," Yaoyorozu whispered while Iida was collecting the papers. I quickly wrote down a name and called it good. I voted for Iida himself. From how he acted it was very class president material. To my surprise though Midoriya got the position and Yaoyorozu was Vice President. None of that really mattered to me though. I was still trying to figure out yesterday.

I was spaced out all throughout my classes. Thinking.
'Who could've given Midoriya his quirk?" was the question that mostly banged around in my empty brain. At least mostly empty. One particular thing was also occupying her mind.

She pushed herself off the wall as the boy now was walking away from the school gates to her guess was to go home.
"Bakugo!" she called out catching up to him. She realized a lot during their battle and now unfortunately she needed him. Not needed but if she wanted to progress her quirk even more she needed someone who could take it.
"What the hell do you want!" he yelled still very much irritated from his encounter with the green-haired boy. The blacked haired girl sighed before her emerald green eyes met his ruby red ones, "I need your help. To train. You're the only one who can take my hits other than icy boy and I doubt it even then. He doesn't seem to have any close-up combative skills." she cringed at her little ramble.
"Whatever I'll think about it. If it's worth my time." he grouchily walked away.

He still hasn't told me if he accepted my offer. Honestly, my hopes were too high for it. I thought about both things for a while on my walk to lunch and while I got my lunch. Sitting down with Mina and unfortunately Bakugo I began to slowly eat. Still spaced in my own thoughts.
"Earth to Amaya?!" Mina shouted while waving her hand in front of my face.
"Huh- I- what?" I blinked rapidly while she laughed,
"What are you thinking about so hard that you completely didn't hear me call your name like a hundred times?" as I was about to answer a loud blaring sound filled the cafeteria.

"Warning. Level Three security breach." an announcer blared. I instantly stood up reaching to my side ready to grab my dagger from under my skirt. My eyes hardened as I was now in my fighter zone.
"All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion." the announcer sounded again and everyone was anything BUT orderly.
"What's a level 3 security breach?!" Mina shouted in alarm.
"It means someone broken past the security of the gates and is on school grounds," I replied quickly grabbing her wrist and walking towards the crowded hallway which was a very bad idea.

I was being pushed and shoved every which way losing my grip on mina. One person ended up touching my back and ended up getting elbowed in the groan. I was not having it right now. I was scanning the windows for anything suspicious and that's when I saw the media and shortly after I was shoved into the window hitting my nose. Blood slowly dripped down my lip.
"Shit!" I whispered completely pissed off now until two hands were roughly placed beside my head.
"Get off me you fucking extras!" the voice screamed almost bursting her eardrums. He turned around to his best ability.

He finally looked forward and his eyes widened for a second before going back to their usual sourness.
"What the hell happened to you?" he gruffly asked as he was shoved forward again.
"Someone pushed me and I bashed my face on the window. How about yourself? How did you make it over here?" I questioned casually dodging an elbow to the ribs.
"Same as yourself." He gruffed out again as he was shoved closer to me. My eyes widened as I looked behind him and saw someone's elbow coming straight for his head.

Quickly standing on my tippy toes I wrapped my arms around his head consequently burying his face into my shoulder. I took the elbow into the arms for him, grunting from the impact. He seemed to understand at that point on what was happening as he was surprisingly not yelling at me to get off.
"Listen up, everything is okay!" a familiar voice shouted above the rest seemingly making the commotion come to a complete halt. Sighing I pulled away from Bakugo while he took a step back and watched Iida while still having his hands placed on either side of my body. I watched him. Calculating what could be going through his head.

Slowly everyone made their way to their classes so he stood completely away from me now.
"Hey! You saved me this morning I saved you from a blow to the head just now. We're even." I concluded before walking away.
"I didn't ask or need your help!" he yelled from behind me. I pivoted on my heel and flashed him a cheeky smile, "neither did I bakuhoe." quicky I turned back around and sped off but not before his screams of protest about what I called him which made me genuinely laugh.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Aizawa announced. This piqued my interest. 3 instructors? Must be something big then.
"Sir! What kinda training is this?" one of my "classmates" asked.
"Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that," he explained in short, and as per usual everyone broke into chatter. 'Natural disasters? This wouldn't be too bad to get some learning on. I haven't saved anyone from something like that. Not like I have many opportunities to with me really just being an underground-'

"Guys, I'm not finished yet-" Aizawa raised his voice capturing our attention again, "-What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes... but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off‐campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." he finished up. Every one of us was excited as we grabbed our hero costume cases but little did they know they were going to be in direct danger and little did I know just how right headquarters was to put me on this job.

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