Season 2: Chapter 22

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I jumped from body to body using them to get through the tunnel. A shock wave of cold shot threw just as I expected. Todoroki. Just as his name crossed my mind his peppermint hair peeked out as he got ahead but of course, I followed in tow careful to not slip on his ice. He stopped making me stop as well. Looking up huge robots were now in front of us.

"Are you kidding me? These were the things in the test bullshit to get into UA?" I scoffed. Todoroki was quick to freeze them thinking I wouldn't notice that they were off balance. I began to run up the body of one just as it began to fall and slid down until I could safely jump down and roll to evenly distribute the weight.

Getting up to the tight ropes was nothing for both of us. With my training, I easily kept myself balanced as I ran across.
"You're doing good. This is good. Don't think just do." I muttered to myself as I kept up with my training on regulating my breath.

The minefield. This is gonna be difficult. There has to be a pattern or some sort. As todoroki and now Bakugo sped ahead I let some students go in front of me to observe. I noticed the small pattern and took a leap of faith in it and began running while dodging where the mines were buried. I easily caught up to the 2 boys and I'm now running steadily in 3rd place. But not for long. I saw the shadow just shortly after a loud explosion behind me happened. Looking up it was Midoriya. Quickly moving out of the way of the next blast I'm now running in 4th place and that's the spot I won.

Panting with my hands on my knees another shadow joined mine.
"Thought you said I was going to have the fight of my life. I didn't see any parts of your quirk just now." He gruffed.
"Maybe because I'm saving it for the battles. I don't need my quirk to win something that can be done quirkless.

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