Chapter 13 (Edited)

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Start the song after the word "rescue"
"Bakugo!" the girl's scream echoed on empty ears as her and All might raced to the boy's rescue. All Might threw the boy to the other side preparing to block the Nomu's hit but felt nothing. Somehow during her race to save the boy she managed to switch to her most used power. Taurus.
"You hit like a little bitch!" she insulted the Nomu as if it could respond.
"These are kids, and you didn't hold back?" All Might yelled as he stepped from behind the girl who now had the Nomu locked in place. The girl sat and waited until it was time. Her and All Might sharing a look as the villain monologued with All Might's responses. She nodded. She knew what this was gonna take from her but little did the symbol of peace know how far she was going to go.

Just like that once the Nomu moved to attack All Might she moved to pushing the hero out of the way.
"You will fight me until I can no longer stand...YOU HEAR ME BIRDBRAIN?!" she yelled as she cracked her whip multiple times at it. The last hit sent it into the air and along she followed.
"You. Are. Nothing! Compared to me you're just a bug! I will not lose." after each word, there was a new crack of her whip leaving the students to watch in awe of how much power this one girl truly holds including the pro hero himself.

"Aoki that's enough!" he yelled as soon as he realized she wasn't gonna stop when the Nomu hit her with a strong right hook sending her crashing into the cement but she didn't let that stop her. She activated yet another constellation!
"Cancer!" Her yell echoed on every ear that was in the vicinity.

"She has never used 2! Is she crazy?!" the redhead boy yelled.
"Not crazy. She's smart. She knows she can't beat it on brute strength alone. She needs to be faster to be more powerful." the peppermint boy explained as they all tried their best to watch but no one could see her. The only signs of the girl were when there was a crash into the floor or there happen to be a crack of her whip that could be heard from the students even at the entrance. The Nomu let out a piercing shriek slamming the girl to the ground yet again only this time they all could see just how battered up she was. Her new outfit is torn, and her hair completely fell out of its updo and was covered in dirt. Blood rushed from her nose.

Yet the girl still got up but not quick enough.
"Restrain her!" the villain commanded the Nomu and it followed through. The demon bird crashed to the floor and sent a new wave of air and dirt flying everyone's way but when it cleared everyone gasped. The Nomu held the girl by her throat as she sat knelt on the ground.

"You still think you're something don't you birdbrain?" she muttered as she reached her hand up to it's rather large wrist gripping it. Slowly standing as she squeezed. Celeste spoke with her the entire time.
"You can't and won't kill me. My last breath will not be here and now." she broke the bones in the Nomu's arms with brute strength alone and slammed another hit right under its jaw sending it back into the air and once again she followed. Multiple cracks of her whip could be heard before seeing her whip slam into the ground and now the sound of swords being unsheathed was what they could hear.

Blood splattered to the floor every second and everyone was hoping and praying it wasn't hers. Their prayers were heard but at what cost? Her body was thrown into the cement wall and landed with a thud on the ground. Her quirk deactivated leaving her in her original costume and hairstyle perfectly intact but her body held every once of proof of the strength she put in to help her teachers and save her classmates. This pissed All Might off and he finished what she started.

Amaya's POV
My vision blurred in and out. My body ached. I could tell I was definitely bleeding. My body felt colder than mount Everest. I overdid it and I knew it.

"We have to do it now. I mean, the big end‐boss is right here." the scratchy voice of the villain reached my ears. Then it clicked. He's the boss of all this! He's Shigaraki! Ignoring any aches and pains that begged my body to not move I stood up slowly almost falling over twice. Panting hard I turned towards the villain. My knees were bent and shaking like they were gonna buckle from under me at any given moment.

"So you live. You're quite the fighter." his voice entered my ears yet again. It disgusted me.
"It takes more than that to down me for good. Worthless scum. What's your move now?... Shigaraki." I watched as his eyes widened.
"How did you-" he began before scratching his neck until I swore it should've been bleeding. His companion calmed him down shortly after. I smirked. Checkmate.
"Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!" he yelled in anger.

I activated my quirk yet again. Midoriya went to attack as well and a portal was created. The villain's hand outreached to grab his face. Whatever his quirk is it's gotta be deadly. Moving quickly I loaded my phantom bow and shot an arrow only for 2 new portals to pop up. As my arrow entered one I could only guess where it was going so I shot another as the first one hit me.
"Rest peacefully in your own hell Shigaraki!" I growled before finally succumbing to my wounds and collapsing.

A tunnel of darkness clouded my eyes from the affects of my arrow before passing and I could see clearly again. It seems All Might explained what my arrows do as I saw the look of happiness and slight worry on the student's faces as they looked at me. Also turns out other heroes showed up now too.

"Bakugo I'm gonna carry Midoriya to the others grab Amaya she needs medical attention." Kirishima commanded
"Like hell, I will! Don't tell me what to do!" he yelled in protest.
"Well unless you want to carry Midoriya I suggest you grab her. Neither of them can walk. It's the least you can do for her." the redhead pushed as he picked the broccoli boy up. The ash-blonde mumbled his complaints as he walked over to me.

"I'm fine I can walk I just need a minute to catch my breath from my quirk." I protested as he bent down to pick me up.
"Shut the fuck up," he demanded as he hooked his left arm under my legs and his right under my back. He picked me up with ease.
"Fucking hell Starfire you're cold as fuck!" He yelled which was unfortunately right in my ear.

"It's part of my quirk. Stars are in space so using their power makes my body have to adjust to the right temperature. I haven't ever been warm once in my life. Well, not your kind of warm." I explained quietly. He walked in silence for a moment before speaking again.

"How come your nightmare arrow shit didn't affect you. The moment it hit the villain he instantly fell and couldn't be woken up." he questioned. I could tell this whole walk was going to be an interrogation.
"If All Might explained correctly then you know that it brings illusions of your worst fears and nightmares. It didn't work on me because.. Well you can't be affected by something like that when you have no fears or Nightmares because there's nothing you care for." I was probably too blunt but I didn't care. It's the truth.

It was silent for awhile after that. I could tell I shocked him.
"What's your quirk." he finally broke the silence again.
"If I tell you none of your business will you leave it alone?"
"Hell no!" he yelled as soon as the words left my mouth making me actually laugh. A loud one. Of course, he wasn't going to leave it alone. He now sees me as competition but little does he know he has so much to do before he even begins to catch up to me.

"I'll make you a deal hotshot. You learn to be nicer to me and when I deem that you have been...I'll tell you everything about my quirk. Including things even the teachers don't know or anyone else." I whispered the last part. It seems this piqued his interest. Just a little.
"Fuck you." he growled making me laugh again.
"In your dreams." I clapped back with. His face was absolutely priceless making me laugh again. I could tell that we would end up friends and teasing was definitely going to be our thing.

I realized I never showed what Amaya's phantom bow looks like!

Now for the final chapter of season 1!

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