Season 2: Chapter 16

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Walking to school was an absolute nightmare. All there was, was talk of the incident. Like I get it, it's something big that happened but it was handled. Everything is fine now from what they know. Classes are now back in session and all I want to do is check on my usual partner. He had it tough in the battle. I've never seen him that messed up before and I feel partially responsible. But he doesn't know that. He doesn't know that I'm a fake student or anything. None of the faculty knows. All they know is that void is watching the school and that's it. My job just got tougher.

I opened the door to the classroom and everyone fell silent. I walked forward only to freeze. Everyone's staring. And I know exactly where this is going to go. I slowly started inching back towards the door in a defensive stance.

"Oh no you don't!" a female voice yelled from behind me before pressure was on my shoulders.
"You can't run away I have to know how you did that! You were so amazing against the nomu!" Mina yelled in my ear. I started chuckling nervously as I rubbed the back of my head. It's not like I can tell them I fight villains all the time. By now more of my classmates have made their way to me. Just the usual who would be the most interested. Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Ochako, and, Iida.

"A-amya how did you harness two constellations and how does your nightmare arrow work?!" Midoriya started questioning with his notebook and pen in hand. Which gave me a great idea.
"That's a bit of a secret right now.." I fiddled with my hands a little while looking away.
"O-oh of course! Sorry, I didn't mean to pry!" the poor cinnamon roll started to rant while turning red. Which made me chuckle and wave it off with an "it's fine."

"It's crazy how you just kept getting back up! And your speed was so unmatched! We couldn't see you at all even when he would smack you down we didn't even see you get back up!" Kaminari recalled the battle.
"And you can't forget that arrow! I didn't even know that you could do that with your quirk." Kirishima added.
"I-its not that impressive guys I'm sure any of you could've done it!" I frantically said while waving my hands around and backing up only to trip over my own two feet hitting my head on the wall next to the door.

"Oi will you extras quiet it down you're annoying!" Bakugo shouted. Mina helped me up while laughing as I rubbed my head.
"I've never seen you get so flustered before! It's so cute!" She laughed more.
"Yeah, yeah, don't get used to it. You guys caught me off guard." I grumbled heading to my seat. With a still chuckling Mina. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Was I pouting? Yes, yes I was.

"Morning, class." my head snaps to the man's voice that I know all too well. He's ok? If you can call it that. He's completely wrapped up like a mummy. He shouldn't be here but I know better than anyone right here is where he wants and needs to be.
"My well-being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." my head snapped from my thoughts as he spoke. It isn't over yet but I know he's not talking about villains like the rest of the class thinks. It was spoken about in the faculty meeting...the sports festival.
"The UA Sports Festival is about to start." he blandly stated.

Everyone got excited except me. I don't want to compete. I don't want to remotely be there other than to make sure there's no danger. Being looked at by pros to pick and choose who they think will be the best hero isn't my kind of fun.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic games. But then Quirks started appearing. Now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters. The UA Sports Festival." Aizawa informed us all.

"And what if we don't want to participate?" I questioned. After the class had their rounds of chit-chat. Some gasps were heard and I could practically feel the holes burning into my face from Bakugo.

"Then you're an idiot. It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training." he pointed mainly towards me. I shrugged as everyone said yes sir.

"Class dismissed. Miss Aoki come with me." most watched with concern as I stood up and followed him out of class. We walked down the hall until we got to what I presumed was his office. He motioned for me to sit in the chair across from him.
"Why don't you want to participate?" he went straight to the point.
"Well, it's not my thing sir. I'm not for super big flashy events and to be quite honest I don't believe I have the best control over my quirk." I stated leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Midoriya doesn't have the best control either and he's still trying I believe the festival will be of use and will introduce you to knew quirks-" I rolled my eyes getting annoyed. He doesn't get it. "I get flashy things and having hundreds of people watching you is scary but I think it's your best interest to participate." he finished which pissed me off a little. I'm not some helpless girl who's worried about things like that. I slammed my fists on the desk while standing up. I kept my head down as flashes of memories coursed through my brain.
"I don't think you get it Aizawa. If I lose control...someone will die." my arms were shaking.

He places his hand on my shoulder.
"I'll keep a close eye on you then. I can stop you if need be. There are a lot of things the school doesn't understand about your quirk and so we are here to help you and help ourselves understand a quirk like yours. You have a lot of raw talent. I want you to participate. I'll even make you a deal. If it gets too much I'll allow you to drop out of the tournament." he offered.

I contemplated it. Possibility of killing someone yet learning better control? Or playing it safe? All I did was nod and leave.

I picked at my food not really feeling the urge to eat. Today was a longer lunch period.
"Amaya are you alright? You haven't eaten and you're staring into space."
"Hm? Yeah I'm alright Mina just have a lot of things to think about I guess. I need to grab something from the lockers don't wait up for me or anything." I mumbled walking to the lockers to grab the one thing that helps me when the memories from the past like to haunt my mind.

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