Season 2: Chapter 25

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"I can't do this. I need to pull out. I'm far too unstable to not pull out of this competition." I finally choke out. Remnants of the panic attack are still very much there.
"And here you said you'd give me the fight of my life. You're giving up over what?! Not being in control?! Even stupid Deku is fighting and he has less control than you. Get your shit together." he growled before walking away to what I can assume is his match. He doesn't get it. It's not just some stupid panic attack. I couldn't save someone and now someone I'm meant to protect almost lost their family member because I failed to do my job.

I moved to a more quiet location where I could still hear the matches. I'll continue to the best of my ability. I feel so drained already from fighting my quirk. I hope Aizawa was right about stepping in. My next match is with Iida. Seems like the world is trying to play a sick game with me. I've been debating throwing the match to be done but I feel that would be worse on Iida because he knows how I fight and if I threw the match it wouldn't be a fair win. I can do this. I just need to end it quickly.

Walking out it was like white noise covered my ears as I stepped onto the stage. Activating my quirk I called for the only one that would be fast enough to beat Iida. Cancer. Just as I called for it I got slammed into. Guess I wasn't fast enough. Standing up and dodging the next blow my body moved on its own now fully powered by Cancer. I bounded all around the stage confusing Iida with my movements. He may be fast but I'm much faster. Sorry, Iida. I rush forward while he was looking where I was a few seconds ago and kicked him hard enough he flew out of bounds.

"I'm sorry." was all I could say before releasing my quirk and walking off. My next battle was Bakugo and I couldn't lie I was worried.

A/n: so another change is instead of how the match ups were where Iida won and went against Todoroki she wins and goes against Bakugo and so forth.

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