Season 2: Chapter 21

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"You're just like me Void admit it!"
"I'm nothing like you. I protect people I don't put them in danger like you!" I yelled as our swords came in contact again. He managed a nick on my skin and watching him lick my blood from his sword almost made me vomit.
"You're nothing but a disgusting coward." I spat as my body fell to the floor next to a hero I was trying to protect and get to safety. I have failed him. His whimpers of pain were so evident that I failed. I've really met my match this time.
"You can't stop me void. I have a mission. Only All Might has the right to kill me." he spoke before disappearing off into the night.

"Earth to Amaya!" Mina yelled as she frantically waved her hand in my face.
"Girl I've been calling your name. I get being nervous but I didn't think you would be THIS nervous." she rambled.
"I'm not nervous." I monotoned as I stood up and walked away. It was clear that I was on edge but most were placing it with nervousness for this stupid festival. I have a villain to find. Flashes of Ignium pop into my head winding me. I shouldn't be here. They are fine, no ones going to attack at the sports festival but Stain will attack again and a lot sooner than the league of villains. Another flash taking my breathe away. I looked over towards Mina who was now rubbing her arm up and down with her hand and a look of sadness was placed on her pink face. I felt nothing until I looked down at my hands and swore I saw blood.

I shouldn't be here. I scrub my hands even harder. I need it gone. The blood needs to be gone.
"Get the fuck off me!!" I screamed as I broke the mirror in front of me. Now there really was blood on my hands. I shouldn't be here. It's messing me up in the head. I don't want to be a hero. Agreeing to this was a mistake. I'm getting too emotionally involved.
I'm going to end up hurting someone. Or myself.

I walked out of the bathroom with blood still dripping from my knuckles. My class was already walking out and I was at the back so no one even noticed.

"This first group are no strangers to the spotlight! You know them for withstanding a villain attack‐‐ the dazzling students lighting up your TVs with solid‐gold skills. The hero course students of Class 1‐A!" I saw present mike up in the booth sitting with Mr. Aizawa who I know is also keeping a close eye.
"They haven't been getting nearly as much screentime, but this next group is still chock full of talent! Welcome hero course Class 1‐B! Next up, general studies classes C, D, and E! Support classes F, G, and H! And finally, business classes I, J, and K! Give it up for all of UA's first‐year contestants!" he continued to introduce the classes one by one.

"I get the feeling we're just here to make the hero students look better." I heard someone say from one of the other classes. I turned my head to them, "Maybe instead of moping about it show what you have in store and try your best. Maybe then you'll best one of us instead of being lazy about it." I snapped. I couldn't control the raging war inside my head. Between the anger, guilt and failure I couldn't get a handle on myself. I was unraveling. How long can I hold it together?? I need to get it under control or this is going to end very badly for everyone.

After Bakugo's little bout of confidence which didn't seem much like confidence to me. It seemed more like he was setting that goal for himself. To rise beyond the rest of the students. Midnight revealed our first task and its rules. Now we're all standing here waiting for the green light in this obstacle course.

"The tunnel is so narrow. Everyone's gonna get to go around?..." I muttered to myself until I came up with a plan. I can't overload my quirk right now or I won't last in the fighting rounds. Not that I even want to use it. I'm too dangerous right now. I need to use as many of my basic skills as possible. Before I could think anymore about it the light switched green and everyone ran for it while I put my plan into motion.

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