Season 2: Chapter 30

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I took a long hot shower to relax my muscles after the long training session with Bakugo. He got better at relying on his other senses but his anger keeps ruining the progress. If I'm being honest the guy is a whole work in progress. If I'm going to be at this school I might as well make sure they actually become good heroes so the stay off my radar in the future. Sinking to the bottom of the tub I let the water hit my back with a sigh.

"Tomorrow I go to hosu..and if something happens to me no one will know.." I mutter to myself. This is the first time I have ever worried about something like that in my line of work. If something happened now...I have friends who would never know.. I tried so hard to not make friends but its like I couldn't help myself.
"I guess I really have been lonely all these years" I squeezed out while I silently cried.

Drying off and getting dressed in my pj's I heard the TV on in the next room over.
"I guess that's where Bakugo is comforting to know our rooms are connected with a door" I rolled my eyes as my voice dripped with sarcasm. I knocked on the door and waited a few moments almost thinking he passed out with the tv on. But oh was I so wrong.

"What." his gruff voice answered as he swung the door open wearing nothing...except a towel and I won't lie I took a peak.
"I can you turn the TV down a little I'm going to sleep early." I tried to reign in the many thoughts that just entered my mind that definitely had nothing to do with his very toned abs.
"Yeah whatever," he replies shutting the door in my face. I was almost wanting to knock again but I shook that thought from my head. Being a teenager sucks. So with that I settled into the bed and did my best to get as much sleep as possible.

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