Chapter 7 (Edited)

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The fight left everyone speechless. I included. Bakugo was slouched down against a wall in what I can assume to be confusion and realization and anxiety. I could feel it. To sum it all up in short Midoriya's team won and Bakugo became what everyone was saying was a true villainous person. But from this, I've learned so much about the 4 people who battled. Iida is smart and takes things very seriously maybe a little too seriously. Uraraka depends too much on those around her to make up plans for her to just follow along. Midoriya is smart but very reckless with his body and will do what it takes to win. Bakugo. He's complicated. He lets his emotions cloud his judgment but again he's skilled and extremely self-aware of his quirk and skills. He reminds me of myself when I was younger.

While Midoriya was escorted on a stretcher to Recovery girl we discussed where people went wrong on the exercise and I think it made Bakugo feel worse. More battles continued on and I kept my eyes on the explosive boy.
"That wraps it up, everyone. There is still 1 more battle to be held. One of you lucky students will get a second shot at winning. It will be a 1v1 battle." All Might announced. I took that as my cue and walked up to him crossing my arms.
"I know who I want to fight. But let me talk to him first and then you can announce it so think of something to distract them all." I told All Might privately.

He nodded and began to ramble about how each have done so well and blah blah blah. I walked up to the explosive blonde and knelt in front of him. He didn't even look at me. I don't even think he notices my presence. So I did something that could probably very much get me hurt. I placed my hand on his knee and that snapped him out of it. He looked at me with a glare yet his eyes were so dulled out. It wasn't him. Not the him that challenged me so freely in the cafeteria. He seems much less confident in himself. I hated to see someone with such talent look that way.

"Save your pity. It's written all over your dumb face," he growled out while looking away.
"I'm not pitying you. I hate being pitied probably more than you do. It makes it feel like the person thinks you aren't good enough and that's not how I feel about you." I replied softly with a small smile. This caught his attention as he gave me a side look.
"Bakugo. You may have lost but you displayed so much. You're strong. You're talented. You're extremely smart and while half the time it didn't seem like it you did have a strategy. You're still learning. We all are. Sometimes you're gonna fall off and fuck up. But learn from that. You know where you went wrong. Don't repeat it again. I see you as a great challenge. An equal in skill. Show me that I'm right. Show me you can be number 1." and with those words, I stood up.

His face held so many emotions until they disappeared and his usual glare returned but this time there was something hidden deep in that glare. Determination. Excitement. And gratitude. Smiling one last time at him I walked over to All might.
"I'm ready."
"The two that will be fighting 1v1 for our last battle will be Aoki as the villain and Bakugo as the hero."

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