Chapter 12 (Edited)

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If only I didn't get warped to that city. If only I could've been fast to stop the scene in front of me from happening. My stomach twisted and turned with guilt and disgust. Bile rose to my throat that I forced right back down.
"Aizawa, I'm so sorry. I'm coming." I whispered as I approached where he lied. His head is being held by some bird demon with its brain sticking out. His face was completely bloodied with the look of defeat. His arm was at an ungodly angle that screamed it wasn't how it was supposed to be. My stomach lurched again. This is my fault. I'm supposed to protect them.

"Why don't you pick on someone of your own strength." my voice was heavily laced with anger and venom. Stay in control.
"Who are you little girl?" a blue-haired man spoke. His face and body were covered with gloved hands. His voice was a sickening sound to the ears.
"The girl who's going to kick your ass into next week so why don't you come and find out just how little I am." I taunted. He took the bait, "Nomu."

Dashing to the side I nearly missed a direct blow to the face. Stay in control. I stared at my enemy. It was big and seemed to be extremely powerful and fast. 'So this is what the villains have been creating to defeat All might. This was the destruction they said they were going to cause. Their mission.' my face shifted to a more serious one as I kept assessing and dodging. Occasionally I would swing my double-edged knife.
"It seems your nomu thing is not up to speed as I am." I taunted further. That was a mistake.
"Nomu get rid of her." the man demanded.

You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you blackout. It's called voluntary apnea. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. But then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore. It doesn't hurt anymore... Drowning is peaceful in a way that not many understand.

The nomu hit me with a powerful punch to the stomach sending me straight to the water. I couldn't move. It hurt so much that I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. I couldn't even close my eyes as I sank into the water. One thing I could do was not open my mouth. My quirk deactivated involuntarily as I sank deeper into the depths of the water. How long have I been here in this dark abyss? These waters that have sworn to take my last breath. That has sworn to take my life and cover me in a blanket of cool blue. Do I let it? I could be done. I could be done saving people. I could leave these kids to defend themselves. Will they die if I do? Will they suffer the consequences of my death?

These thoughts seemed to pull me from my immobility as I finally moved. Activating my quirk with as much hope as the people in the world hold for a safe place. To never have the fear of villains again. The hope that All might brings to the world. The hero I have to save. Firing my arrow I hope my silent thoughts of the constellation were enough. And it was.

3rd Person POV

The girl was adorned in an outfit that she's never been in. A new constellation of powers coursed through her veins. Pulling the water around her she broke through the surface. A typhoon of water holding her high in the air. A deep glare that could pierce the hearts of her enemies on its own. Stay in control. The sight before her killed her inside more than the one she walked into. Aizawa was gone now. Being carried off by some students but now All Might was here. Trapped. In the grasp of the people, she was supposed to protect him from. In anger, she flung herself forward along with the water covering the entire area with water as she landed.

"You thought I was done? Release him or so help me." her voice came in vibrations as if someone else was speaking with her.
"Now why would I do that when we have him right where we want him?" the mist man spoke in a condescending tone.
"Because if you don't it'll be your funeral." her voice turned dark while her skin began to flash from its normal color to a deep blackish blue with so many specles of glowing dots. Stay in control.

"Get the hell out of my way Deku!" the gruff voice that she's become so accustomed to came from absolutely nowhere along with ice that now covered the nomu entirely. This seemed to calm the rage in her heart enough that the flashing of her skin stopped. Now a smirk plastered her face instead.
"Guess I found your body that time, ya smoky bastard!" Bakugo maliciously yelled causing the girl to now smile in admiration. He did state he was gonna take him down.

"If you thought you villains could defeat and rid this world of the symbol of peace you should take a reality check." She declared while walking up to the said hero as he was now back up on his feet.
"Thank you Aoki for buying time," he whispered to the girl while still holding his signature smile while the villain leader was having a mental breakdown.
"It's my job to protect the students. I know we've never worked together before All might but we are in this together. Just be ready to take the nomu out when it's the right time." she stated with a determination that All might has only ever seen on the face of one other person.

"Don't move! You try anything funny, and I'll blow your ass up right now, you got it? They'll be cleanin' you up for weeks." the person All might was thinking of coincidently spoke making the girl giggle a little.
"Damn straight Bakugo." She commented.
"Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic." Bakugo's red-head companion commented. The girl spoke her disagreement to his statement.

"Nomu." the blue-haired villain demanded. Birdbrain began to break itself from the ice that kept it from moving. He tore off his leg and arm in his attempt only to grow them back better than ever making everyone on high alert. The girl was on such high alert she completely spaced whatever words were being passed around until the fateful word left the villain's mouth, "First, we need to free our method of escape." at that moment everything slowed down for Aoki as a scream left her lips, "Bakugo!"

Turns out I was wrong the full big scene is now divided into 3 parts this chapter is the second the next will be the last and final part to this arch with one last chapter of the aftermath and then onto season 2!!

A/nTurns out I was wrong the full big scene is now divided into 3 parts this chapter is the second the next will be the last and final part to this arch with one last chapter of the aftermath and then onto season 2!!

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