Prologue (edited)

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Cold. The night air was brisk as I sat perched on the edge of a tall building. Looking down at the city before me as the stars stared down upon me. My jaw aching from the cold, my toes were numbed to the night air, and the only thing that kept warm, was my gloved hands. Frozen in place as if the night air begged me to not move an inch but finally ignoring its calls I moved my hand to the earpiece from under my mask as a voice enters my mind.
"Time to move out. Get this done quickly."
"Copy," I replied with a rasp from the cold night air.

Commanding my body to move it snapped into place like resetting broken bones I jumped from the building intensifying the bitter air. Attaching my cords from building to building I swung through the city to my destination. Taking my final swing high up into the air I land almost silently upon a new building in a darker more rundown town. Windows boarded. Lights off. It was so quiet I could hear the drum beats of my heart, the aching of my muscles once again falling into the bind of the cold, and the sound of approaching steps heading into the alleyway beside me.

"We should join him. It's a big opportunity to see the symbol of peace, fall." a man's voice broke the silence. My breath caught in my throat at his words.
"It seems we shouldn't refuse Shigaraki, this experience could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." the other man's raspy voice acknowledged. From the sounds of it, there's a group of villains forming and that's my cue to step in.

I dropped down into the alleyway, swiftly grabbing my 2 knives and throwing them at one of the men, pinning him to a brick wall. The other man Turned on his heel ready to use his quirk but I was already 10 steps ahead of that as I rolled forward into a standing up position and pinned him to the opposite wall from his partner.
"I think it's time you men start talking. Don't you think?" I threatened sickenly sweet as I pushed my dagger against his throat making him gulp.

Silence Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα