Twenty Nine

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I must say, trying to avoid your husband like the plague is tough

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I must say, trying to avoid your husband like the plague is tough. But each night he goes out with some lame excuse about meeting Jimin or meeting the guys, it makes it all that much easier.

I gave up on asking Jungkook if Kelly had gone out also, I didn't need to know, I knew who he was with.

And that is exactly why today I find myself stood in front of a lawyers office. I have one week until the award season begins. Which means I have one week to make sure that my plan is foolproof.

Walking into the lawyers office, a petite woman sits behind the desk typing away on her keyboard as I approach her.

"Excuse me?" I smile at her, making her lift her head and push her glasses back on the bridge of her nose. "I'm here to see Mr. Johnson. My name is Kim Y/N.

"I know who you are dear." She grins at me.


"Big fan."

"Ooohhh" I laugh. After all these years, I have still not gotten used to that.

"I'll let him know you're here." Picking up her phone, she begins to speak into the receiver as I turn and go take a seat opposite her. The table in front of me filled with beauty magazines and tabloids making my eyes roll as I see the headline on one of them.

Picking it up I notice it's about six months old, a picture of me and Jin on the front with the headline 'Hollywood sweethearts'. If only they knew, I think to myself, making me scoff and throw it back down on the coffee table.

"Mrs Kim?"

Looking up, I see a middle-aged man, his hairline receding slightly but his clearly expensive suit is giving me some sort of comfort that he is obviously paid well and knows what he's doing. I had to come to a lawyers office out of town. Any lawyer that we do have in Hollywood would know me instantly and know why I'm there and I need somebody that is not biased. Someone that will hear my side of the story and give me sound legal advice.

Following him into his office, I take in my surroundings noticing a bookshelf by the window and certificates hanging up on the wall. Seeing the certificates is somewhat comforting. At least that means he's legit. Sorta... I guess... I hope.

"Take a seat Ms Kim." He smiles at me, taking his own seat on the opposite side of his desk.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice Mr Johnson. I know you must be very busy." I tell him as I take a seat.

"It's no trouble." He grins. "And please, call me John."

"John? Your name is John Johnson?" I stifle a laugh as he looks up from his papers.

"My parents weren't the most original." He says flatly. "Now Ms Kim, please tell me what brings you to my office."

"You're a divorce lawyer..." I cock my head to the side, thinking maybe getting a lawyer from the yellow pages wasn't such a good idea.

What is the name of that movie where Bill Murray is a crooked lawyer that wears a neck brace because he filed a false claim for a car accident? Anyway I feel like I've just found that lawyer.

"Right." He grins. "And may I ask, what is the reason for you wanting to file for divorce?"

"I'm not happy in my marriage. I want out."

"Sounds simple enough." He nods. Dropping his pen on the table, he pulls the drawer beside him open, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and throwing them onto his desk. "Do you mind?" He asks me as he pulls one from the packet and slips it between his lips.

"Um, no I guess not." I frown as he lights it. "So you say it's simple. Does that mean it will be clean cut?"

"Not exactly Ms Kim. Now I know I may look like I'm behind the times but that doesn't mean I don't know who you are. But I also don't keep up with current affairs. Is there anything about your marriage that you think me, as your lawyer, should know?"

"Oh, well uh." Pausing for a moment as I think of a gentle way of explaining everything. I think to myself that this man has probably heard it all and that I should just go for the jugular. "He's having an affair. It's all over the news but the tabloids are yet to get any solid proof. So of course that means he's denying it. But I know he's lying."

"You know do you?" He repeats my words, leaning back in his chair and taking a puff on his cigarette.

"Yes." I nod. "The tabloids may not have proof, but I do. I have solid evidence."

"And where did you get this evidence Ms Kim?"

"My ex boyfriend." I respond flatly, his eyes widening as I mention Jungkook.

"With all due respect Ms Kim. How much can you really trust this ex-boyfriend of yours? Don't you think it's strange that he is the one that has evidence that your husband is cheating on you?"

"Well no, not really." I shrug as I watch him finally put out his cigarette.

"And why not?" He sighs, grabbing his pen off the table.

"Because it's his wife that my husband is sleeping with."

Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he starts to scribble notes on the paper in front of him as I lean over and try to see what he's writing.

"Any prenups?"

"No." I shake my head, just for him to look up and give me a disapproving look. I know what that look is for, it means more work for him.

"Mr Johnson, can I ask, is this like when you're the lawyer in a murder case and if I did actually kill the person I shouldn't tell you because if you know I did it you can't defend me?"

"No Ms Kim." He huffs, still scribbling god knows what on the paper in front of him. "In cases like this, you should tell me everything."

"I slept with my ex." I blurt out, making him drop the pen and stare at me. "But it was after we found out about our spouses affairs. And it was just one time, we both agreed that nothing more will happen until we have both filed for divorce."

"Well, it's somewhat a relief that it was after you found out about your husband. But still not ideal. We'll just tuck that bit of information away for now and just file for irreconcilable differences." He says, narrowing his eyes as he begins to write again.

"Is that the best option?" I ask him, leaning on his desk to see what he's written.

"With your status, yes. I'm not going to sugarcoat this Ms Kim. This is going to be messy. Just be prepared to fight. Not just with your husband, but every news source this world has to offer."

Woke up with a headache

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Woke up with a headache. I'm going back to bed.

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