Thirty Two

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Pacing the living room as I await Jungkook's arrival, I suddenly find myself nervous as if I'm in high school and my crush is coming over to study

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Pacing the living room as I await Jungkook's arrival, I suddenly find myself nervous as if I'm in high school and my crush is coming over to study.

Except I'm not in high school, but he is definitely my crush and we most certainly will not be studying.

I have known this man since we were 14, and yet he still makes me have the most incredible butterflies in my stomach. As if they are having their own little disco in there as they await his arrival.

Jumping at the sound of a motorcycle engine roaring towards the house, I begin to panic as I see headlights pulling into the driveway, as if my own James Dean is arriving to rescue me from my wretched boyfriend.

Opening the front door just-in-time to see him pull his helmet off of his head, he gives me a perfect smile before walking over to me.

"Hi Angel." He breathes out, stepping up in front of me, his full leather attire already having me quiver at the thought of what is hidden beneath. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I smile, shyly tucking my hair behind my ear before stepping aside. "Come in."

Following me into the house, he drops his helmet by the door and kicks off his boots. His superhero socks make me chuckle under my breath as I stare down at his feet.

"This is a cute place." He says, taking in our surroundings, his fingers running across the frames of the paintings hanging on the wall as I usher him into the living room. "Kinda reminds me of what I imagined our house to be like when we were kids."

"You thought about that?" I smile, taking a seat on the sofa, Jungkook removing his jacket before taking a seat beside me.

"All the time." He nods. "I looked for you, you know. After we broke up and you went to school in London, I always thought that one day I would be able to come and find you, explain everything and hope that we could just carry on when we left off. But after you started getting roles and I was trying to find a way of contacting you, Jin was suddenly in the picture and it was too late. So I just came to terms with the fact that it was karma for me hurting you, and that I had to let you go."

"It's funny you mention how quickly Jin came along after I started to get jobs." I chuckle. "He told me tonight that everything was all part of his plan to be part of Hollywood's it couple. He never loved me, he just used me to go further in his career. He wasn't upset about me asking for a divorce because he loves me, he was worried about the impact it will have on his image."

"That man is fucking evil." Jungkook grits, his nostrils flaring as he clenches his jaw. "They deserve each other."

"Yeah? Well I wouldn't be so sure in thinking Kelly is the only woman he is seeing right now. He admitted to having multiple affairs. How far apart they were, I don't know. I'm just so glad I got out of there before we started having children."

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