Thirty Seven

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"Angel wake up!!"

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"Angel wake up!!"

I hear the voice again, but now there is no sorrow in the sound. It's almost as if I can hear his smile. His beautiful smile that always reached his eyes to the point it made his nose crinkle.

"Angel please wake up. I'm begging you."

Now I can feel him. I can feel him gently nudging my body. But I feel no pain, I don't feel anything of the sort.

"Angel! We're going to be late if you don't get your lazy butt out of this bed right now!"

Shooting my eyes open as he nudges me harder, my body stiffens at sight of the young man looming over me, his smile reaching his eyes and wrinkling his nose.

"There she is." He chuckles as he leans down to kiss me. "Thought you were actually dead there for a second."

Lunging towards him, I hold him as close as I possibly can, my body shaking violently as I choke out sobs inhaling his scent.

"Woah baby, what's wrong?" He says, rubbing my back as I continue to sob.

"K-Kookie." I choke out. "I'm actually not dead?"

"Why would you be?" He chuckles. "I know last night was euphoric Angel but I wouldn't go as far as your soul actually leaving your body."

"Is this real?" I ask, pulling back and cupping his soft face.

"Yes baby, we're really late. Now go get washed up."

Helping me up from the bed, I look around what I assume to be a motel room as he walks me towards the bathroom and kisses me before closing me inside.

Spinning around to grab the sink to balance myself, I run the cold tap and start to splash my face with water, starting to think to myself that heaven to me must be a cheap motel room with the man I love.

"Kookie!" I call out, feeling the need to piece everything together before I start to hyperventilate.

Jumping as the door swings open, I notice the panic in his eyes as he scans the bathroom before looking up at my face again.

"What happened?" He asks, walking in and closing the door behind him.

"That's exactly what I need to know. What happened? Why am I here? I thought your wife killed me?"

"My wife?" He laughs. "I'm a bit young to be married, Angel."

"But you are." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat. "And so am I. You broke up with me after prom and I married another man. Ten years later you show up professing your love for me but it was too late. I had already moved on and so had you. But then all of a sudden whilst we were on a press tour for the movie we both were working on in Milan, the tabloids reported that my husband and your wife were having an affair with each other."

"Milan?" He frowns, causing me to lift my hand to stop him from interrupting further.

"But then we started seeing each other again after we had sex in my hotel room that night, kind of as a retaliation for what our spouses were doing behind our backs."

"We had sex in Milan?"

"Stop interrupting!" I yell, stomping my feet like a child making him laugh. "Yes! We had a lot of sex! But the thing is, we both filed for divorce from our spouses and when I broke the news to the press the night of the Oscars, your wife attacked me and murdered me in cold blood. How do you not remember any of this?!"

I feel myself start to get frustrated with the way he's looking at me. Looking at me as if I've lost my mind and is thinking of having me put away for being a raging lunatic.

"Ok." He sighs, coming in further and sitting on the closed toilet lid. "So you say I dumped you on prom night, why?"

"Some bullshit story about you not wanting to hold me back from my dream." I scoff, remembering the night so clearly. "You said that you knew the reason I hadn't accepted my entry into RADA was because I didn't want to leave you behind, which is half true but you should have let me make that decision on my own."

"Why would you not go to RADA?" He frowns. "I thought the whole point of me applying was so I could go with you."

"Wait what? Go with me?"

"Yeah." He nods. "I'm going to be in their technical program whilst you are in their performing arts school. You were talking about it last night, saying how excited you were that we're going to be living in London together like real grownups."

"Oh my god." I groan, rubbing my face with my hands. "I'm so confused."

"So am I Angel, so am I. Now please baby, you really need to get ready because if we miss our graduation we're not going anywhere."

"Graduation?!" I gasp, turning to look at myself in the mirror.

Gasping again as I see my reflection, I begin to pull at my face, seeing a much younger version of myself staring back at me as I examine my entire figure.

"Angel." Jungkook whispers, stepping behind me and pulling my hair over my shoulder. "Your dreams are really starting to creep me out. Please, if I set up an appointment with a specialist again, will you go this time?"

Nodding with my hands still cupping my face, I watch as he turns and walks out leaving me staring at myself in disbelief.

"A dream?" I whisper to myself before running out into the bedroom. "Kookie!"

"Oh my god Angel, please go get ready." He groans, holding his cap and gown in his hands.

"I love you Kookie." I smile at him, watching his features soften when I speak.

"I love you too Angel." He grins back, slipping his graduation gown over his head. "And for the record, you're marrying no other man but me."

The end

I did it!! I finally completed it!!! Next is the epilogue and then Lips Of  An Angel has officially come to an end

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I did it!! I finally completed it!!! Next is the epilogue and then Lips Of  An Angel has officially come to an end. Thank you so much to everyone that has read this ff and has been patient in waiting almost a month since the last update. I hope the ending didn't let you down. 😘😘😘

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