Twenty Three

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 I do not feel remorseful in the slightest, as far as I'm concerned Jungkook and I were single the moment our significant others decided to start their own little affair

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I do not feel remorseful in the slightest, as far as I'm concerned Jungkook and I were single the moment our significant others decided to start their own little affair.

So rather than prolonging the inevitable, I let myself do what I wanted for a change, and that was Jungkook.

But now I need to figure out what to do with my marriage. Of course it's 100% over, I just want to make sure that I'm not the one coming out of this divorce battered and bruised.

And the fact that he thought he could lie about it did him no favours. If he thinks he can treat me like a naive little idiot, and that I will believe every word he says and come crawling back like a mindless little girl, he is sorely mistaken.

And yes, of course I still have love for him. But he hurt me in a way no husband should hurt his wife. I'm actually worried that I'm still in shock, and that it will hit me like a tonne of bricks one day and I'll go insane and end up in a psych ward. Because I fear that I'm actually taking this news far too well.

But Jungkook and I are in this together. It's not very often that the partners of the adulterers know each other, let alone... ya know.

But as I lie here next to him whilst he sleeps soundly, I know I'm making the right decision. As teens, Jungkook and I had what you would call a fairytale relationship. He was my biggest cheerleader and I was his. We always looked out for one another and I now understand that he only had my best interests in his mind the night he decided to take a step back.

And when our marriage was good, I loved Jin with all my heart. But I would never say that I was in love with him. As horrible as it sounds, to me, he was always just the next best thing.

And I do have a plan to expose Jin and his cheating ways, a big one. And in all honesty, I hope he suffers.

The level of humiliation I felt at the press conference today is unfathomable. I truly felt like the entire room was laughing at me. Thinking to themselves this woman is an idiot if she thinks the Almighty Kim Seokjin would not have women clawing at his clothes when his wife was out of sight.

I mean of course I know that women want to be all over him, I just didn't think that he would let one get through.

Gritting my teeth and anger as I think of it, Jungkook starts to stir beside me, stretching his arm out and wrapping it around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"What are you thinking?" He says sleepily, running his lips across my bare shoulder.

"I'm just getting myself worked up. I'm fine." I huff, rolling onto my stomach and resting my head on my arms.

"I know something that will definitely get you worked up." He says in his deep, husky, fresh from sleep voice.

Tracing his fingers along my bare back, my body shudders as they glide across my curves. Kissing across my shoulder blades, he leans up on his elbow, pushing my hair aside for better access.

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