Thirty Six

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"Are you ready?"

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"Are you ready?"

"No." I breathe out, turning to Joe who is standing at the entrance to my bedroom. "But it needs to be done."

"Jin's picking you up right?" Joe asks as I stand from the makeup chair, smoothing down my gown before walking towards him.

"Unfortunately, yes. I just want to get this night over with. I can't stand one more minute being associated with that man."

"Okay well his manager just text me." Joe says, looking up from his phone. "Jin's outside."

Taking a deep breath I walk past Joe towards the stairs, seeing Jungkook waiting at the bottom in his black tuxedo with his hands tucked into the pants pockets.

"I don't like this Angel." He says as soon as I reach him. "Knowing that you'll be locked in a car with that man without me beside you gives me an unsettling feeling in my gut. Are you sure you need to travel to the venue with him?"

"I do." I nod before reaching my hand up to cup his cheek. "This is the final chapter in the book of my marriage to him and I need to make sure it's written correctly. I can't have him thinking he's still holding the strings. He wanted this to be our final scene together, and I'm going to make sure it's an explosive one."

"What do you have planned exactly?" He asks, watching me slipping a USB into my bag.

"For the world to know the truth." I smile up at him. "Are you riding there with Joe?"

"Yeah, we'll leave shortly after you." He responds, shifting on his feet. "Are you sure you don't want me going with you?"

"Showing up at an award ceremony with my ex husband and my ex boyfriend that is now my current boyfriend?" I cock my eyebrow at him. "Don't start writing your own headlines Kookie."

"Okay." He breathes out, leaning down to give me a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile. "I'll see you there."

Walking outside I see the driver leaning up against the car, Jin nowhere in sight as I approach the vehicle.

"Good evening ma'am." The driver smiles, opening the door to reveal my ex husband sitting in the back with his face buried in his phone.

"You took your time." He mutters as soon as I step in, his attitude already giving me an indication of how this night is going to pan out.

"You don't get to comment on things like that anymore Jin. My whereabouts are no longer your concern."

"Like shacking up with your boyfriend, you mean?"

"And I suppose it was your mistress that told you that?" I spit back, watching his jaw clenching at the word mistress. "Exactly. So like I said, what I do and who I'm with is no longer your concern."

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now