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My face raw as I sat in the car, I began to think of what to do

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My face raw as I sat in the car, I began to think of what to do. I feel like such an idiot! Jin was always so quick to dispel all the tabloid rumours about him skipping out on me, now I know why.

But then again, I could be completely overreacting, maybe it was all innocent and he was just simply being friendly. With his head resting on her tits.

Scoffing at the thought I decide to do something I shouldn't, something dangerous. But I need to know, I need to know exactly what I feel for Jungkook. Before I make any drastic decisions about my marriage. With all the fantasies that keep running through my head, my mind is completely clouded with lust. I need to know if it's just the idea of him that I like. Or if it's because my love for him in fact, never went away.

Nervously tapping his contact on my phone, I sit in my driveway waiting as the ringtone vibrates through my ear, actually wanting him to answer this time.


"Hi Kook." I breathed out, relieved that he answered. "I was just wondering what you were up to right now."

"Not much, just hanging out at home. Are you okay?"

"Not really." I stifle a sob, covering my mouth to drown out the sound. "But it's fine, if you're at home I won't bother you, it's fine honestly."

"Well it's obviously not fine Y/N, I can tell you're crying. Why don't you come over? Kelly is out at work if that's what you're worried about."

"Are you sure?" I sniffle, fresh tears running down my face brought on by his kindness.

"Angel, you know I'll always be there when you need me. I'll text you my address."

Sighing as I end the call it instantly pings with a text notification from him telling me his home address. I know I'm playing with fire here. but I need to know.

Pulling up outside the apartment building I check myself in the mirror, wiping my face trying to look somewhat normal before stepping out of the car.

After he buzzed me into the building I spent the entire elevator ride thinking I should change my mind. But before I knew it the doors were open, revealing Jungkook leaning on the doorframe of his apartment smiling fondly at me.

Letting out a deep breath as I step out I walk towards him, his arms instantly opening to embrace me. Holding onto him it felt comforting, like a friend would instead of a lover.

"What has made you so upset, angel?" He asks me as he rubs his hands up and down my back.

"I just had a bad day." I tell him, avoiding the truth.

If I'm here to test my feelings towards him I need to do it with him being none the wiser about Jin. If he was to know about today I know he would spend the entire day trying to convince me that I'm delusional, and that's not what I need to hear right now.

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now