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After the final award is given all the budding actors jump to their feet, scurrying around the room desperately seeking invites to the most exclusive after show party

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After the final award is given all the budding actors jump to their feet, scurrying around the room desperately seeking invites to the most exclusive after show party.

"Baby you go ahead, I'm needed back on set for a night shoot." Jin tells me, leaning in to leave a kiss on my lips.

"No I think I'll just go home, it's no fun without you." I pout before finishing off my glass of champagne. "And anyway I'm tired, do you think it will be a late one?"

"No idea" he shrugs. "That all depends on Michelle."

Ahh Michelle. Jin's absolutely drop dead gorgeous co-star. With legs taller than my entire frame, hair so soft the little mermaid would be envious and hips you know are perfect for grabbing from behind, if you know what I mean.

Although I don't see her as a threat, the tabloids like to try and convince me other wise. Every day it's a new headline conjuring up some bullshit story about the two of them. Stating their upcoming love scene would make 'Christian Grey blush'.

My Jin is a faithful man, otherwise why would he have even bothered asking me to marry him. I know what we have is nothing but love and respect for each other. So the tabloids can go ahead and print whatever they like, we know our truth.

"Let me take you home baby." Jin says, kissing me before standing to his feet.

"Um excuse me?" I hear a familiar voice behind us, my breath hitching when I turn to see Jungkook smiling down at me.

"H-Hi." I respond, jumping up to stand by Jin, staring at the man before me until I hear my husband clear his throat. "Oh erm... Jin this is Jungkook. Jungkook this is Jin." I introduce the pair.

Politely shaking Jin's hand before turning back to me, I'm finding myself stiffening up as Jungkook pulls me in for a hug.

"It's been a long time!" He grins as he pulls away. His familiar intoxicating smell lingering on my skin, bringing back fond memories of our past.

Looking at him is like looking back at my past, the similar butterflies going crazy in my stomach I would always get from just being around him. It's always tough when you are on the receiving end of a breakup, because to you your feelings were still there, you still wanted the relationship. You were still in love with the other person when you suddenly found yourself to be alone.

I had always convinced myself that after all this time I must be over him by now. I have a husband now, a man I love that I will spend the rest of my life with.

But staring at him as he chats to Jin, I can't help but admire his beauty. He looks just like he did as a teen, just much more mature and dare I say thicker? He's clearly been hitting the gym over the years. His solid frame being constricted inside his Prada jacket and his tight jeans leaving little to the imagination almost has me salivating.

Jin's hand wrapping around mine jerks me out of my  thoughts, his plump lips curving into a smile as he turns to me.

"Right baby?"

"I'm sorry what?" I shake my head, trying to remember if I heard a word the two were saying whilst I was busy drooling over my ex.

"I was telling Jungkook that you're the lead in your next movie. Like me." He smiles again, Jungkook watching me intently waiting for my answer.

"Y-Yeah. It's just your typical romcom. I doubt it will be Oscar worthy." I wave it off, trying to seem nonchalant about it.

"Is it called Love Lost? If it is I'm editing it." Jungkook grins.

"That's the one!" Jin beams pulling me into his side. "Be sure to make my girl look good."

"I won't need to do much for her to look good." Jungkook smiles down on me, his gaze eliciting a beautiful blush to rise on my cheeks.

"So are you married?" Jin asks him, lifting my hand to his lips to kiss my wedding ring.

"Yeah." Jungkook nods. "She's a makeup artist but she's sick tonight so I'm unfortunately riding solo."

"That's a shame, maybe when she's feeling better we should all go out." Jin suggests.

"Sounds great." Jungkook responds. "Well anyway, it was really nice to meet you Jin. Good to see you again Y/N. Call me." Handing me his business card, my eyes widen as he has the guts to do this in front of Jin. "We can arrange a night out when my wife is up to it, maybe dinner or something."

"Right! Yeah of course." Slipping his card in my bag, I find myself watching him as he walks away.

"He seems nice." Jin grins, leading me towards the exit. "Let's get you home."

Now I'm not sure why, but to hear him say he's married caused a slight ache in my heart. I always knew that after all this time it was a possibility for him to move on just as I have. But for some reason we women always think our ex's will wait around for us, just incase one day we decide we want them back.

It's a strange logic but it's true and you know it is.

The love I had for that man was a head over heals, constant honeymoon stage love, that when he caused the worst night of my life, it took me a very long time to pick myself back up.

I could physically feel my heart shattering that night as I watched him walk away from me. My world leaving me on the ground by the lake after making the decision that he knew what was best for me.

And now after getting over him, after finally agreeing with him that us not being in each other's lives is what's best for the both of us, here he is.

And holy shit am I in trouble.

And holy shit am I in trouble

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And there he is 😘😘😘

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now