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"You guys ready?"

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"You guys ready?"

Standing at the foot of the bed the man standing across from me removes his shirt, exposing his incredibly impressive physique.

His washboard abs almost have me submitting to him, but his over confident smirk has me crashing back down to earth in a flash. He knows exactly how he looks, and he knows women swoon over him. And he loves it. He plays to it in fact.

Making his pecks dance as his poor makeup artist tries to keep it together whilst still trying not to make him look like a clown. Her quivering hand boosting his ego as he keeps his entire focus on me and the risky lingerie I have been subjected to wear.

"Okay please get in the bed." The director tells us, motioning his hand towards it. "Y/N you will be on your back. Jimin I need you over her resting on one elbow tilted to the side slightly for the camera to get the shot. Y/N reach up and put your hand on his shoulder with your knee bent a little."

Doing as the director tells us I find myself in a rather compromising position, Jimin grinning down on me as he takes the initiative to use his free hand to grip my hip, purposely shifting his weight forward to press his bulge into me.

"You look really sexy in this position kitten." He purrs, his breath hitting my face making me recoil.

"For your information Park Jimin she looks better on top."

Looking to my left my smirk instantly replaces Jimin's, seeing my husband looking down on us as the female crew around him start to hyperventilate.

"Hey baby." I smile up at him before he leans in for a kiss, pushing Jimin aside.

"Hi beautiful." He whispers against my lips before turning to shoot Jimin a glare. "If I hear you talk to my wife in that derogative tone again and I'll have you fired for sexual harassment. You got that?"

"Hyung you know I was only teasing." Jimin defends.

"Sure. If that's the case then she would be okay with it. Baby, are you okay with him talking to you like that?" He asks turning his focus back to me as I shake my head.

"Not really, no"

"See. So try it again Jimin. I dare you." Pushing himself back off the bed, Jin walks to stand by the director who lets out an audible sigh of relief.

Falling back on top of me Jimin's discomfort is evident in his frown, my husband now watching his every move until the director finally yells cut.

With my husband metaphorically breathing down his neck for the entire scene, Jimin made sure to behave himself. Only going by the direction of the staff instead of throwing in a few improvisations which he would normally love to do.

To say I was grateful for my husband's presence on set during our sex scene was an understatement.

And so were all the female staff.

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