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"Lacy take my hand!"

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"Lacy take my hand!"

Looking around my surroundings, with the wild river running under my feet I take a deep breath, staring deep into his eyes before taking the leap.

Gripping onto my hand he pulls me to his chest, his nose brushing against mine.

"I thought I was going to lose you again." He whispers, ghosting my lips with his before fulling attaching them, kissing me deep he pushes me back, causing my back to arch as he wraps his arms around my waist.


Pulling me back up straight, my co-star Jimin smiles at me before patting my shoulder.

"How was it?" He asks the director.

The director gives him a thumbs up before looking back over the script in his hands.

"Let's do it one more time. Y/N this time can you grab his collar when he kisses you? You need to look head over heals in love and a little lust won't hurt either." He tells me as the team touches up my hair and makeup. "Jimin try slipping in a little tongue."

Taking a deep breath I can't help but roll my eyes at Jimin's obvious smirk, the Hollywood fuck boy licking his lips as he nods, eyes boring into me as I take my starting position again.


During my lunch break I take a moment to relax in my trailer, going over my lines before I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." I call out, followed by the door swinging open to reveal Jimin.

"Can I help you?" I ask, barely taking my eyes away from my script as he takes a seat in front of me.

"I was just seeing if you needed to go over any scenes with me." He shrugs, looking around at the decor.

"Like what?" I cock my eyebrow at him, dropping my script onto my lap.

"Well we have the big bedroom scene tomorrow." He says, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip. "Maybe you need a few pointers. We could maybe try see what position is the best angle for you."

"You know, maybe you're right." I smirk at him, leaning forward causing his breath to hitch. "Maybe I'll ask my husband to join us on set. He knows all the angles that make me look good."

"Yeah but I'm guessing you're not the only one." He scoffs, folding his arms over his chest.

"They're just stupid tabloid rumours. You above anyone should know they'll print anything to sell stories." I defend, offended by his accusations. "They'll probably even try to link us together once this movie comes out."

"Then let's give them something to talk about." He smirks.

"Let's not." I shut him down before walking to the door opening it. "So if that's all." I sigh, nodding my head towards the door.

Taking the hint he stands to his feet, intentionally brushing past me as he leaves.

"If you ever change your mind Y/N, you know where to find me." He whispers, stepping out of the door.

God I hate that man!

Settling back down in my chair I lift the script up in front of my face, perching my glasses in the tip of my nose using my free hand to start finally actually eating my lunch on my lunch break.

Sticking the fork in my salad I sink into the seat, enjoying the silence that will be very rare over the next few months with Jimin being on set.

Another knock pulling me out of my zen moment causes my head to roll back letting out a frustrated groan, I swear if it's him I'm refusing to work with this man ever again.

Throwing my fork down on the table another knock has me charging at the door, ready to rip this guy a new asshole.

"What?!" I snap throwing the door open, almost hitting the person on the other side.

"Bad day beautiful?" Jin smiles up at me from the bottom of the steps, his gorgeous plump lips forming into a smirk before stepping up to me for a kiss.

"Sorry baby." I sigh, shaking my head. "Jimin is just being his usual self around here on set today."

After working with Jimin on more than one occasion, Jin knows exactly how he can be. His Hollywood diva attitude seems to have overgrown his common decency as a human being, expecting everything and everyone to fall into his lap at a drop of a hat, and throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.

Another problem with him is his inability to hear the word no. And after shutting him down some short minutes ago I know he's going to see me as a challenge he must overcome.

Even if he is familiar with my husband.

"Want me to kick his ass?" Jin suggests, wrapping his arms around my neck once we both step inside.

"No baby it's okay." I shake my head. "It's only five months, I can handle him."

"Okay but if he crosses the line you tell me. He may be considered a friend of mine but you're my wife, I'm supposed to be your superhero against perverted men."

Laughing at him puffing out his chest I rest my head on it before I nod. "Deal."

"I have the night off. Wanna go out to dinner?"

"Mmm that sounds perfect actually." I hum nestling my nose further into his chest, my nose taking in the smell of his sweet cologne.

"I'll make reservations." He tells me, pulling away from me turning to lock the door.

"What are you doing?" I lift an eyebrow at him, watching as he saunters back over to me, removing his jacket letting it drop to the floor.

Standing over me again he pushes my hair over my shoulder before leaning down to press his lips onto my neck, his incredible hands working their magic once again making me submit instantly to his advances.

"I'm making love to my wife in her big fancy trailer, what does it look like I'm doing?" He whispers against my skin, his warm breath causing my whole body to shudder.

"Be careful of my makeup." I pant, his hands now working on the button of my jeans.

"No promises."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊Next one coming on Friday 😘

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊
Next one coming on Friday 😘

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now