Nights & Mornings with Ez

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Warnings: none

Ez always feels the need to protect you, even when you are going to sleep. Whether it's just his arm draped over you or facing each other, holding on to one another. Either way he always needed to have some form of contact with you so that he knew that you were safe and there with him. He was so sweet with you, having a quiet conversation with you or just whispering sweet nothing to you. "I love you so much baby girl". "I love you too Ez, with my whole heart". He would peck your lips lightly a few times before you both fell into a peacefull sleep.

"Ez" you whispered softly to your sleeping giant. "Its time to wake up baby we both have to go to work". A soft whine left his lips, his arms bringing you closer to his naked chest. "No baby let's just stay in bed today" he complained in his early morning voice. "Baby we have to get up" you giggled, your noses touching. "10 more minutes please and then we can get up". "Alright 10 more minutes and then we really need to get up". He pecked you on the lips, letting out a happy noise, cuddling even closer to you if that was even possible.

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