28 : Finally

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Meanwhile, Yuna and Sungchan were together in their living room. They lived in a regular sized apartment. Yuna took off the cap, plopping herself on the sofa as Sungchan threw his empty cup away, proceeding to sit beside Yuna, turning on the TV. Yuna unlocked her phone, finding a new recording saved.

The only auto saved recordings need to include Yuna or Luna. She played the recording, Sungchan subconciously listening. They heard the discussion, especially Taeyong's plan attentively. Hutong did a great job at following Ten everywhere around the house.

"You heard that Sungchan? After a whole month"

Yuna chuckled as she heard the recording of NCT's plan on her phone. Sungchan, who was beside her, laughed at how clueless they were for the last month before something struck him. 

"Noona...what would happen to me if NCT takes you back?". Sungchan questioned with a heavy heart as he had grew close to her biological sister for the last month after explosion. They had escaped with Shotaro but Seiko didn't survive, the boy currently back in Japan for awhile.

Yuna looked at her brother with doubting eyes. "Did you think I'll leave you? Of course not, idiot. You are gonna come with me, one way or another"

She side hugged Sungchan who tensed slightly. "So..what's the plan then, Luna?". Sungchan asked with a mischievous gaze. "We wait until they contact Luna, dear brother. From then, we move with your plan, game master".


Every word, every detail of NCT's plan was heard and analyzed by Sungchan through his sister's phone. The month he spent with his sister, he learned a lot about hacking. Born smart, he was a natural planner that analyzed NCT's potential success at once.

Everything was tight on detail. Each move planned accordingly. NCT had planned to get her at the cafe, leaving 'the boy' alone. Sungchan explained his plan to Yuna, countering every one of NCT's movements. Both Sungchan and Yuna just knew the plan will go smoothly.


Ten leaned against the wall outside the cafe, near an alley opening, in-ear in place. Lucas was in the restaurant across the street, looking out from time to time to check the surroundings. Yangyang and Hendery were situated on the other side of the alley, ready to help Ten in case of an unexpected situation.

Xiaojun was waiting in the van, Kun in the back seat, ready with aid. Winwin was with Doyoung in the tech room back at HQ. It was silent as the time ticked closer to the time Yuna went to the cafe.

Spotting the NCT members in place, Yuna hacked into NCT's system and in-ears. The screens in the tech room buzzed, Doyoung and Winwin in a frenzy to contact the members. WayV, not knowing the situation were anxiously waiting.

Yuna and Sungchan then exited their car, running to the back of the alleyway where Yangyang and Hendery were lying in wait. Silently, Sungchan and Yuna approached the two, putting a cloth over their mouths, their screams muffled as they tried to fight their way out but failed as their body weakened before falling to the ground with a thud.

Ten, who heard it, approached the back corner as Yuna and Sungchan fled. Ten found the two unconcious, spoke into the ear piece but no response was given as he realized what had happened.

Lucas saw Ten leaving his spot, immediately exited the restaurant, running to the scene as he tried to contact the members through the in-ear. Lucas arrived and found Ten, carrying Yangyang on his back, signaling him to lift Hendery. As they were about to exit the alley, they heard a frantic scream through their ear pieces, alarming Kun and Xiaojun who were in the van.

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