18 : Shattered Pieces and Scattered Letters

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Ten and Yuna looked at the door, eyes widened as Doyoung stared back, eyes just as wide. Ten and Yuna looked at each other before pushing each other further, turning back to Doyoung.

"It's not what you think"
"I thought you locked the door, Yuna"
The two said at the same time, looking at each other again. Doyoung cleared his throat as he faked a smile.

"Just came to tell Yuna something but you two continue on with..uhh whatever you were doing"
"Discussing! We were discussing about something.."
"About what?"

Yuna looked at Ten threateningly, slightly shaking her head. Ten was disagreeing with her, knowing it would be better to tell him now. Ten opened his mouth to tell Doyoung the truth when Yuna got the object nearest to her, which was one of her plushies, covering Ten's face.

Ten fell on his back, hitting her nightstand as the moon lamp fell to the floor, it shattering into pieces. Yuna's eyes widened as she knelt beside the broken lamp, Doyoung coming right over to make sure they didn't hurt themselves.

"You okay, Ten?"
"Yeah, I'm fine but clearly that lamp isn't. You okay, Yuna? You said it was a gift from you father"

Yuna was silent, mind wandering as if she just found something important. Ten poked her shoulder, bringing her back to the surface.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll just clean this up. You two should go"
Yuna said, pretending to be heartbroken at the sight of the lamp broken. Ten and Doyoung looked at each other, Doyoung pulled Ten up before the two left the room, shutting the door behind them.

Yuna slowly got up, locking the door before sitting on her bed, taking out the piece of paper she found inside the broken lamp. Judging from the paper's condition, it's been inside the lamp for a long time. She unfolded the paper, reading it's contents in a soft voice, Hutong on her lap.

To my dearest darling Yuna,

Oh how I wished I could live to see you graduate, become a mature woman, meeting the love of your life, getting married and see my grandchildren. I'm sorry as my death must've taken you by surprise if you're reading this.

I must reveal the things I could never say to you all these years. Your name is not Kim Yuna. You are a Jung. Your father did not die from a heart failure, he's alive. You were right, you did have memories of a brother but I denied them each time.

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