25 : Wake up call

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It's been a month since the warehouse exploded. A month since NCT last saw Yuna. A month of grief for them except Doyoung. He was possibly the only one that knew she was still alive. Well, that was what Yuna last said.

Ten was always locking himself inside his room, upset at himself for letting this happen to Yuna. Everyday, Johnny struggled to pull the boy out of his misery. It was true when people said that losing a good friend was harder than losing yourself.

The younger members were no longer the active and high spirited kids they were. It was always quiet whenever they ate, occasionally glancing at Yuna's empty spot. Every mission they went on, they don't even consider their safety. They became more brutal on missions.

Doyoung was staring out of his open window when Taeil suddenly entered, shutting the door behind him before sitting on his bed. To the members, it was strange how Doyoung seemed fine at Yuna's disappearance. Taeil took a deep breath, Doyoung readying himself.

"You know, you can tell me if your upset with her gone. No one here is gonna judge for it. Don't keep your emotions to yourself, Doyoung. It's not good"

Doyoung turned to Taeil, shaking his head at the older before heaving a sigh. "I know she isn't dead, hyung"

Taeil was quiet, not expecting Doyoung to not accept her death. Truth be told, Doyoung just wasn't ready to tell the members about Yuna's words, not wanting to give them any fake hope.

"She's gone, Doyoung"
"No, she's not, hyung. I just know it"
"She's not gonna be at peace if you continue being like this"
"What did she last say to you at that warehouse?"

Taeil shut his lips, remembering her words exactly. "To keep the high spirits of the team. Exactly what I'm doing now. I'm gonna go now. Try letting out your emotions, Doyoung"

Taeil got up, leaving the room. Doyoung suddenly thought of something, getting up from the seat by his window. He walked to Taeyong's office, not bothering to knock before entering, shocking Taeyong who was reading a book Yuna once suggested to him.

He shut the book, shoving it into his drawer, focusing on Doyoung who just entered. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No, just..what did Yuna tell you that day? Her last words for you"
Taeyong looked at Doyoung, confused. He thought it would be hard for Doyoung if anything ever happens to Yuna.

"Well, she just said that..NCT must go on"
"You must've told her before that you wanted to disband the gang, didn't you? Her last words changed your decision"
"Doyoung, I don't know what's happening to you but please, she's gone. She's been gone for a month"

Doyoung sighed, knowing his members were starting to think he went crazy. He just shook his head before heading to the 00 liners room, finding them arguing more than usual over a game.

"You cheated!"
"No, I didn't, Renjeon"
"Oh yeah, you freaking did, Full Shit"
"Oh it's fucking on, XXS shorty"
"Oh shut up you two losers!"

Doyoung saw as Renjun launched himself onto Haechan, his hand smacking Jeno's face on accident. Already annoyed, Jeno pulled the two in a head lock. Jaemin was trying to stop the three from killing each other as Yangyang's attention shifted to Doyoung.

"What's up?"
"Aren't you going to stop them?"
"It would be much easier if one of them accidentally faint. This has been going on for a long time. What are you doing here?"
"What did Yuna last say to you guys?"

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